Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Finally, I have some pictures of my cream legbars from the Virginia Poultry Breeders Association show on November 23, 2013. The first pictures show them in their cages waiting for the judging to begin. The last pictures provide the show results.

Here comes the judge, here comes the judge, getting ready!!

Cockerel #2

Cockerel #1 - my main breeder

Cockerel #3

A lot of work but a great experience and a great show. Enjoy!

Good job Hapless! I went WOW looking at Cockerel 1 compared to Cockerel 2. The type difference is huge! Totally see why you favor #1 to the other two. Is number 2 significantly younger than the others?
(Not to ignore your girls- they are lovely, too!)

This may help those who are planning to show. I don't remember if this particular resource was posted before on this site although I think I saw one similar ... by the dragonlady I think.

It has several very nice pictures that show disqualifying traits as well as comparisons of good and bad type and condition. It also shows a small amount of parasite ID information. ExhibitionTips 1-11.pdf

Great link, thanks DA!
ETA the real eye openers to me in the link shared by DA were the following:

page 22-23 they show a pullet and rooster with unsightly comb shapes and ask if you would show that bird or not. In the next page they gave full body shots and the title they won at a show- just goes to show comb is not everything and not to dwell on imperfections (other than DQs).

page 28 shows two birds from the same hatch raised by different owners- and how they were fed differently made a HUGE difference in developement

The washing tips were great, too.
Good job Hapless! I went WOW looking at Cockerel 1 compared to Cockerel 2. The type difference is huge! Totally see why you favor #1 to the other two. Is number 2 significantly younger than the others?
(Not to ignore your girls- they are lovely, too!)

Cockerel #2 was a strong grower early on but he came down with a sickness in which his comb paled and was generally lethargic. I was able to nurse him back to health but he never recovered the growth that he missed. He gained stature but but did not develop fullness of body hence the poor showing on type. Cockerel #3 is a really big boy. He is definitely larger than the other two but has too much gold/red. #3 also has a rather large thumbprint on one side of his comb. I may keep #3 for cross experiments but #2 will be sold or otherwise culled. All three cockerels are the same age.
Is this group still working and and being established. There are a few of us in Canada that would like some input . Thankyou

x2 Welcome, plus this is the place for discussing individual points of the SOP. You may find it helpful to read this thread in it's entirety (at your leisure, I know it's long) to follow the progression we've been through. Or you can use the "search this thread" option at the top to look up certain topics that have interest to you. We are currently on Draft 2, but changes to the Wing secondaries are not too far off.
Is this group still working and and being established. There are a few of us in Canada that would like some input . Thankyou
hi luv chickens

Welcome to BYC and to the Cream Legbar threads. So glad that you dropped in. Darkangael did give the link to the Cream Legbar Club's first website---and the current/new site link is this: and/or

You have certainly found the place for answers to every question - or if not answers - loads of people willing to share views, opinons, experiences and willing to try to find the answers to the ones that they don't know!!

Sometimes I forget that the www's have to go with the website name due to the way it is setup.
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Happy Thanksgiving! ( late) I usually never feed my chicks anything but chick starter but I gave the 4 and 7 week olds a few slices of baked pumpkin and they are eating it like its like candy (or pumpkin pie?). Mmmmm :).

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