Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

WOW I realy really like the body tone of your hens, its grey not brown... and the hackle is very diluted cream, which may look silver but its actually gold diluted by silver and barring with no red enhancers... nice nice
I recently sold my gold colored flock. Here are the ones that I have kept. My new cockerel from Greenfire My new pullet from Greenfire The ladies-The one to the left is from Rinda's flock, Second is from Jordan farm, the two one the right are offspring from my Jordan flock, they are both molting. I have a cockerel from Rinda's flock who is hiding in the house. I think the mixup in the pecking order with the sale of the senior rooster and the addition of the newest cockerel in the last few days has him freaked out. It is very windy today and it was hard to get the newer one's to pose. They did not like the wind ruffling their feathers.
I really like your CL hows the salmon color on their breast
My incubator finally gave up on me during my "boy hatch" and is running 2 degrees cold. But a few are still working on hatching and may make it. The only one out so far is a down color I don't remember seeing before. But indeed it is a boy.

Not totally dry yet

This is from Elvis and my hen with the gray rather than brown base color. She's the one with good egg color so this guy might be a keeper. This is Wee Willy Williams "Will" for short. If he has a brother it'll be William Wallace. (This whole hatch will be named after my dad because their hatch was due on his birthday.. That's a lot of little Williams to find good homes for if a lot of them hatch)
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Lol yes! A total of 3 so far Wee Willy Williams, William Wallace and Willy Wonka. No girls so far.. this is my boy hatch (of course!) lol. They look extremely similar to each other so far.. Well they're out of the same pair so maybe it makes some sense that they look very similar.
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