Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

So either red enhanced and cream or

double barred (as all male CL are) and not cream and not red enhanced ..

Will give you roosters with the same colors?
yes they would produce simmilar effects.. a bird like Henks is e+/e+ B/B mh+/mh+ ap+/ap+(none autosomal red, its more tricky than that but I would do it just for educational purposes) Ig+/Ig+(lacking cream) so his genome again is e+/e+ s+/s+ B/B mh+/mh+ ap+/ap+ Ig+/Ig+ But most Cream Legbar roosters are, e+/e+ s+/s+ B/B mh+/mh+(none mahogany) Ap/Ap(Autosomal Red and/Or other red enhancers) ig/ig(cream) Other Genotypes could produce similar Phenotype, Silver for Example is more powerful at diluting red than cream is, so even one copy of it will dilute a gold tone male to a golden(straw/lemon/cream) colored rooster, the rooster on the following pic has only one copy of Silver and One Copy of Barring(so barring is not Diluting its gold tone here), his genotype would be e+/e+ S/s+ B/b+ mh+/mh+ Ap/Ap Ig+/Ig+ Golden Crele male(with one copy of the barring gene) but with red enhanced shoulders

Tow Copies of Barring gene and Two Copies of Silver with Red enhancers would produce also a similar phenotye as silver looking(cream/lemon pyle areas) males.. e+/e+ S/S B/B Ap/Ap(with more red enhancers, maybe Mahogany?)
I've been a slacker about weighing my eggs. I just got whoops some eggs from my best hen . Shes setting them today for the easter hatchalong. She weighed them for me and they came in at pretty good weights. 68.0
I am new with the Cream leg bars....I purchased from a breeder, two cream leg bars and two rhode bars. They all look alike. They looked a little different at first but now I can't tell who is who. Do they look quite similar?????? Geeeesh. It looks like I have four on one kind but I can't tell who is who.
I am new with the Cream leg bars....I purchased from a breeder, two cream leg bars and two rhode bars. They all look alike. They looked a little different at first but now I can't tell who is who. Do they look quite similar?????? Geeeesh. It looks like I have four on one kind but I can't tell who is who.
well at hatch they should look similar as both have e+/e+ wildtype chipmunk down and both have B/B males, double barred males..

here are the rhodebar and legbar males side by side

Rhodebar on the Left, Cream Legbar on the Right
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Hi Nicalandia,

So, sorry to keep trying to reduce this down to something simpler than it probably is.. but am I correct in thinking (based on your post) that CL males that look cream colored, probably are cream colored? Because they most likely carry red enhancers.. so, if they appear to have cream/gray and not orange/gold primaries and otherwise generally look cream colored they probably are?

I'm not breeding any birds anymore.. but I like to think someday I might again! So I'd like to *try* to follow.
CL males that look cream colored, probably are cream colored? Because they most likely carry red enhancers.. so, if they appear to have cream/gray and not orange/gold primaries and otherwise generally look cream colored they probably are?

Yes, this is true, take the enhancers out and that will leave a Silverish colored males

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