Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Something to think about with combs- how many points do we want? I think a comb with 5 points looks more balanced. I don't think the standard allows for a variable amount of points (5-7) but I may be wrong.

The Brits and Aussies allow for a range of points in their Standards, but the APA doesn't. It is 1/2 point deduction for more or less points (each) in the APA SOP.

I am not sure if anyone commented on this or not, but the bird on the left seems to meet the description far, but the bird on the right does not.

Breast: Prominent, well-developed, carried forward and upright....the bird on the left is a good example and the one on the right not so good. Bird on the right back is too short and has excessive tail angle...note that the lower breast is flat and not rounded. I would suggest using the bird on the left as the proper example of the breed type.

When looking at the beak length be sure the beak does not need trimming as that will make it look longer.

Does anyone have white in the face of a young bird? This is a DQ in Leghorns...something to consider??

This is what I was referring to, but I'm not sure I said it well.
Something to think about with combs- how many points do we want? I think a comb with 5 points looks more balanced. I don't think the standard allows for a variable amount of points (5-7) but I may be wrong.

I'm the opposite, I feel that on such a big comb, the 7 points looks better. I'm glad you brought it up though because it looks like something that has to be a set number.
The Brits and Aussies allow for a range of points in their Standards, but the APA doesn't. It is 1/2 point deduction for more or less points (each) in the APA SOP.

With a set number being the requirement....and most of the existing birds having 6 points....and one poster preferring 5 and one preferring 7, then if we have to pick one number, I think it should be 6. (can you actually determine the number of points in the comb by selectively breeding?) -

For those who want fewer or more, they can certainaly develop their own flock that way, - In a show their 'diversion' from SOP would cost 1/2 point in the show ring....but they could make up for it in other areas. It will be many decades if ever before any of our birds meet SOP.
So perhaps the person with a 7-point comb has perfect confirmation and the person with a 5-point comb has perfect color in 5-years when the first show occurs....(with the exception of the one here on BYC - which should hold the record of the first show in the USA...hooray for initiative.)
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Hi all, quick note. I went to the legbar thread, reviewed the juvenile/adult males via the gallery of photos. This was not done in an exact way and many of us post our birds at a high frequency. Comb points ranged from 4 points, at least based on what I could see to 7 points. Five and six point combs dominated with the split on my count almost even (4 points- 2 examples, 5 points-8 examples, 6 points-7 examples, 7 points 3 examples). Once again this was not done perfectly, I may have counted repeats. I'm posting this to give an idea. I'm OK with 6 as a split between, but I'm curious if anyone can count comb points on earlier photos.
... I'm curious if anyone can count comb points on earlier photos.
Earlier than what?

Are you looking for what we have in the USA, or what they had back int he 1950's.

If you are looking for what is in the USA, I have most of the ebay auction photos saved and can look there. GFF also has photos of several of their cockerels posted.

I am guessing that the point count from other sources will be about the same as the Legbar Thread though..
With a set number being the requirement....and most of the existing birds having 6 points....and one poster preferring 5 and one preferring 7, then if we have to pick one number, I think it should be 6. (can you actually determine the number of points in the comb by selectively breeding?) -

For those who want fewer or more, they can certainaly develop their own flock that way, - In a show their 'diversion' from SOP would cost 1/2 point in the show ring....but they could make up for it in other areas. It will be many decades if ever before any of our birds meet SOP.
So perhaps the person with a 7-point comb has perfect confirmation and the person with a 5-point comb has perfect color in 5-years when the first show occurs....(with the exception of the one here on BYC - which should hold the record of the first show in the USA...hooray for initiative.)

The comb is the least of your worries. Judges don't go overboard on the amount of points. As an example: there is a RIR male bird that has the poultry community all excited because most of us have not seen a bird this good. It has two extra points and no one is even mentioning that!
The Leghorn has 5 points, but the APA does not tell you how many to specify in your Standard.

Earlier than what?

Are you looking for what we have in the USA, or what they had back int he 1950's.

If you are looking for what is in the USA, I have most of the ebay auction photos saved and can look there. GFF also has photos of several of their cockerels posted.

I am guessing that the point count from other sources will be about the same as the Legbar Thread though..
I was thinking photos from the 1950's. Sounds like points are not a sticking point (ha, ha!). However, let's keep it open for feedback a bit! There are breeds with 6 points, such as the Minorca and Jersey Giant. Plymouth Rock also with 5 points.

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