Cream Legbars

I am looking for a Cream Legbar breeder who lives in Oregon. I believe he is in the Woodburn area north of Salem but South of Portland. At one time he had some Jill Reese males available and I am looking for two of them.

Contact me at: [email protected]

On the other picture this is a crazy crest but my boy is well over a year Huge comb and wattles. Fun guy though just a real sweetheart.
Is the twisted comb like that common of Cream Legbars? My little cockerel looks like his may end up looking like that too!

Not the best pick of it and that was a couple weeks ago... It's more prominent now.
A large twisted comb is not normal nor is one that is so large it lacks the strength to stand straight. Unless those birds have some fantastic trait you really need and you cannot find another rooster I would move them to the waiting line for the camp bus.

Now it is possible a good hen with a very small comb and large crest could correct that, but you are better off breeding two good birds then hoping for a correction. Corrections by the hen or rooster work well, just can be iffy.

However, when you breed knowing 1 in 25-30 birds is all the perfect ones you will get anyways, I could be all wet,,,,,

I know am over 100 roosters this year and I only have a handful I would breed. One has a wry tail, but I think that is injury instead of genetics, I am hoping he gets a chance to breed, I think he will throw good offspring he is perfect in my idea in every other way. He ran away from home though, went to a state I can't reach him in....Extradition laws and all
thanks guys. I did hope to breed my guy this spring but I'll have to see how he turns out as he gets older. Right now he has the best disposition ever and if that holds true I might go ahead as I don't really plan on selling them, just keeping for me. My two hens both have very small (almost nonexistent) combs and large crests. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Thanks for the responses.

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