Creating a "mixed age" flock


7 Years
Oct 15, 2012
Long time reader - First time Poster
Thank you for all the good advice on so many topics.

I am starting my flock. I have a coop and a 20x'20 run.
I have 5 young barnyard breed chickens from a local farm. Age: 5 weeks
I want to add 2 barred rock pullets as well. Age: ~5-6 months

Should I be concerned with bullying since it is a new environment for both groups and they are such a different age?

Best practices to integrate?
Last edited:
Long time reader - First time Poster
Thank you for all the good advice on so many topics.

I am starting my flock. I have a coop and a 20x'20 run.
I have 5 young barnyard breed chickens from a local farm. Age: 5 weeks
I want to add 2 barred rock pullets as well. Age: ~5-6 months

Should I be concerned with bullying since it is a new environment for both groups and they are such a different age?

Best practices to integrate?
what i did when i have a new member is have them in different runs where they can see each other for a week , move there food so they can feed and see each other and after a week let them free range but keep and eye on they and do it for 30 mins a time for a week then i let the time be longer and longer until they are all ok with each other . mine took 2 weeks only , good luck
I put the chicks in with the pullets and there was a brief scuffle, a few pecks, and then they were all good. Maybe 10 minutes of establishing order. I think the big age difference made it an easy combination.

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