***Crevecoeur Thread***

Let me know if you're looking for any hens for him....I have two extras I need to sell ASAP....I have someone dropping off a white Houdan roo to me tomorrow that's from the west side--so he could give the hens a ride, maybe?
Oh my...it just is not meant to be. After a really rough hatch from Rare Feathers (not at all her fault - it's the distance between us & the post offices along the way), and then additional eggs from Exop - I had 1 Rare Feathers & 4 from Exop. So lovely! Then, Sunday morning we awoke to 12 chickens dead or missing. Every Creve included!!
Spent all day Sunday revamping the coop and adding $100 worth of hardware cloth to every opening we could find. No further losses and two opossums trapped last night.
So I'm thinking that my "Creve" isnt actually purebred... she now has large white earlobes, and I'm debating sending her to the auction. She isn't laying, has TERRIBLE leg mites (I've already tried to get rid of them, no success!), and isn't friendly....
Well, where'd you get her? Every hatchery I've ever seen with Creves (including Sandhill) has white earlobe Creves. The leg mites, I don't know anything about other than there is medicine for that.

I rescued her from the auction along with two other polish (BCW, White)
Howdy Folks,

I am looking to start our families chicken adventure. I live in Arizona and have the following requirements:

High heat resistance - it rarely gets to freezing but does a few time during the year & stays over 110 degrees for days at a time
friendly / pet suitable - really my prime reason 6 kids & 10 g'kids I'd like to expose to raising chickens
decent egg layers - of course

From the BYC breeds page i think Crev's would be ideal

Crev linkey

I am looking for your expert advice on their suitability. I spoke with a nice lady at Ideal Poultry who said (unequivocally) that all white egg layers are "flighty & skittish" and they would not make good pets. I am of the mind that if you raise one from a chick with proper handling (no three year olds chasing them around the yard etc...) they should make a gentle / approachable bird.

Plus I love their look!

So what do you think?
Creves do okay in the heat but not great. We occasionally get 110+ here and I have to bring them into the house or they die. I have an insulated coop which is in the shade for most of the day. It's got good ventilation and I run fans in there 24/7. They start to struggle at temps 85+. We do get to -25 here in the winters and I lock them in the coop. I have never lost one due to cold, only heat.

Creves can be pretty flighty and I have had my share of mean roosters. If you're thinking about going hatchery stock--don't. They will not even resemble what a Creve should look like, they will be twice as flighty and three times as dumb.

Some strains are better than others. I have been working hard on a line that has nice, calm roosters--friendly/gentle hens and a hardy strain. My birds lay like crazy for part of the year and then completely stop for months at a time, they are highly seasonal layers. Some of the hatchery strain birds do lay better than the exhibition strains but you're compromising looks/type to egg production.

Sumatras on the other hand are much hardier birds with a much greater tolerance for high temperatures and they are far less flighty and I've never had a mean rooster. Sumatras also lay much better than the Creves--which do okay but hope this helps....

I do love my Creves but from the sounds of it, they're not quite what you're wanting/looking for....
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