***Crevecoeur Thread***

Do small eggs make small chickens? Or are they less likely to be fertile? Or....?
I have three eggs now ( if its the trend I will have one a day ) and by the time the hygrometer gets here and the incubator has been running a few days and is up to speed, should have enough to be worth the effort...UNLESS trying to hatch pullet eggs is a bad idea.
So, what *is* the problem with pullet eggs?

Eggs are in the cellar, awaiting their fate.
Do small eggs make small chickens? Or are they less likely to be fertile? Or....?
I have three eggs now ( if its the trend I will have one a day ) and by the time the hygrometer gets here and the incubator has been running a few days and is up to speed, should have enough to be worth the effort...UNLESS trying to hatch pullet eggs is a bad idea.
So, what *is* the problem with pullet eggs?

Eggs are in the cellar, awaiting their fate.

i dont have crevies getting them in may but i just used my first egg from my buff silkie and it is devoplping on day 12 right now
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Bon Soir, Sager. Ou et vous?
Where in Canada are you from?
Congratulations on getting Creve-coeur breed chicks in May. Bon temps are ahead! I am so nouveau with this breed from last summer. But I am crazy about them now.
I spelled the name based on the old country spelling.
I am blessed with a wonderful little pullet that is now laying consistently, here in Vermont where it is very cold! And have 4 beautiful cocks to choose from. Because I incubate, I hope to have some new chicks by April.
Je suis tres HOPEFULL!
like you just said, they are the first eggs of that birds cycle. Some times they are tiny if the hen is still real young. If they are the little marble sized ones, those are yolkless and useless. but all others have the potential of being fertile. Egg size donest have anything to do with the birds adult size in the end. Usually after a few weeks of laying, a pullet will get it together and everything will be fertile and normal size.. just kinda par for the course regardless of the breed.. give her a bit of time and all will be good...

Persoanlly, I'm still waiting on my bantam creves to start laying, usually they are the first ones here. They have laid a couple back in Jan. then stopped, they a few last week and stopped... so hoping they'll get their act together, got lots of folks waiting on them, wise they'd hurry up!!
Ontime, I had the same thing happen to me. All of a sudden a medium sized (as compared to orpington eggs) white egg showed up in a nest box.
I thought my 6 mo old creve pullet would start laying as Boggy describes. The second egg was a little bigger than the first and now they are still that size.
Maybe when she first laid, they could have been marble sized and something crushed them and then the flock ate the remains.

Incidently, I separated my 4 Crevie cockerels, now 6 months. in a smallish room that has chicken wire walls on the broad sides. Its about 4 feet by 6 feet. They are doing well together. no fighting so far. Since I don't know crevecoeur personality, I can't know if they are prone to fighting or not.
I had to do this because they were mounting every hen in sight, guinea hen, orpington hen, and since I want to gather pure bred eggs for hatching, I had to take these Romeos out of the picture.
Boggy, have your Creve hens started laying?
For some reason this year my guinea hens have not started laying. Usually they start in February.
My Creve hen has been laying for two months, but not fertile yet since I have separated out the cocks until I am ready to hatch some of hers.
Probably mid march will put her in a boudoir with the best roo.

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