Crochet Granny Square Swap - Spring 2009 (Sign Ups ClOSED!!)

Spring Swap Sign Up List:

1. Scrambled Egg - (Darlene) -Organizer - Shapes Completed!
2. CoffeeLady3 - (Dena)
3. Skand - (Stephanie) ????
4. Lutheran Chick - (Kay)
5. Queen Scoot - (Rosey) ????
6. Amyquilt - (Amy)
7. Mangled - (Em)
8. Purr - (Terry)
9. Elcunni - (Erin)
10. 1MommaHen - (Lynda)
11. EastTnChick - (Steph)
12. Alpaca Chick - (Bonnie)
13. Jacie's Coop - (Jacie) Shaped Received!!
14. Algopurple - (Elizabeth)
15. JenJScott - (Jen) Shapes Received!!
16. SewinCircle - (JeanMarie)
17. FrChuckW - (Chuck)
18. Ma Kettle - (Priscilla)
19. Charlie's Chick - (Sharon)
20. Jen4 - (Jen) Shapes Received!!
21. Tiki244 - (Kris)
22. ShelleyInAlberta - (Shelley) Shapes Recieved!!​
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I am headed to the post office this morning my squares are done, in baggies and labeled ......yeah!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many people on the list I have not heard from!!! You all know friday is May 1st??? How is everyone doing on completing their shapes????
SE I need you addy. Got my shapes done a few days ago but my puter crashed. Just got back on line today.

I will ship them Friday or Saturday. Depending on which day I get to go to town. Will be at the post office Saturday for sure since that is where I work.
Hi All - My shapes are done and will ship Friday or Saturday. Sorry I haven't been on - but have been reading when I get a chance. It's alpaca shearing time - busy at work - working on the yard - you all know.

Darlene, please send me your address again.


Soooooooooooooooooo, how is everyone coming along?????? ALOT of folks not heard from on the a bit of an extension for the stragglers, a week or two at most....let me hear from you please!!
SHAPES, SHAPES, SHAPES .... due today with a two week grace period granted for stragglers!!! May 15th..absolutely last deadline..will be sorted and mailed without yours if not here by then:)

When the swap is closed and the last pics are posted about these shapes, I'll ask the mods to close this thread. The crochet chat thread will continue and any new swaps, amigurumi or other square swaps will be started in a new thread. It is my hope that Chuck will host the fall swap but if computer problems prohibit that, and he bows out, anyone else is certainly welcome to host...I plan to be a participant only so the task will fall to someone else. I may host again next spring but Chuck or someone else in the fall please....Chuck, what's the scoop on your commitment here? Also, you all have talked about amigurumi swaps and yarn stash swaps..jump right in, feel free to do any of those or others, we all seem to love the swaps!!

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