Crooked Leg, Closed Web Foot plus Pooping Issues - Please Help

A video would be nice. Also there are shoes you can buy that may protect his little foot if it's not sitting properly for him to walk or run normally. Many times their skin can break down if they are walking on any part of their feet or legs not in the normal way.
She runs the same with and without the splint. It won’t let me upload a video.

I haven’t seen any shoes and I’m concerned about what to do when she gets older … I only see splints that need wraps.
I just wanted to provide an update! Thank you for all the support and help. “Lucky” is completely healed underneath and pooping normally. Her foot is still turned to the side but the web is open. She’s running and mixed in with the other ducklings. I also tried to let her swim and she can do that!
Update - Lucky is full grown, out on the pond, hanging out and keeping up with her SIXTEEN other duckling friends (all hatched by incubator here) on land and in water. We never were able to straighten her foot, but she’s adapted and I see no signs of issues with the skin or foot! So grateful for all of you!

P.S. Now my ducks hatched their own eggs (for the first time ever) and as of now, we have 13 more duckling and one duck still sitting on about 10 eggs … unbelievable.

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