Cross beak chick


this is my chickens cross beak at 4 wks old. will she make it??
I have a cross beak and I take her crumble and mis it with hot water to make a mash……she loves it and it is easy for her to eat. I make it so it is a bit watery….. I also put soft stuff like yogurt, noodles, corn meal…ect in it.
Hi. I also got a chick (an Easter Egger) who developed a noticeable cross beak when she was about 3 weeks old. I took her to the vet last week (about 5 wks) with plans to euthanize her. The vet kind of talked me out of it. But her bill is worsening. The vet trimmed it slightly and suggested returning every 4-6 mos. I don't know. She definitely needs a deep dish to eat but the others think that is now the way they are going to get fed. Summer is easy but I don't know if I can go out in winter and fill up a deep dish 3 times a day. I am very pessimistic. I will not syringe feed her or mash up oatmeal and all the rest. It is sad. But I am interested if others have had a chick who developed this abnormality and went on to survive pretty much. I look at her little tongue and it is all dried up. I just don't want her to starve to death.
Oh sigh,
This chick can never be a proper chicken. The other birds will pick on her.
Sometimes we have to do hard things. You need to let this chick go.
I know it is hard but this bird cannot defend itself. Will always be at the
bottom of the pecking order, struggling to survive against the social
order and inability to properl eat. If you don't want to put this chick down,
get one of the men in your life to do it. No one will fault you for taking
that having someone help you out.
Best Regards,
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I have a severe crossbeak. It stared around 8 weeks. I moved the chicks to the coop that had some concrete blocks. Apparently pecking on concrete caused it. She's an auracana. One of my buffs is barely crossbeak. I was able to clip her a couple times. At any rate, my Auracana's beak is cross and twisted. So clipping couldn't help it. She's a happy chick. She occasionally lays a shell less egg and she makes a mess of the food. But overall, is happy. The other chickens are fine with her. I just wonder how long shell live. She's not meaty or scrawny.
Well…my cross beak has been doing great and was laying us some beautiful blue-green eggs…..she went broody around Labor Day and sat on some of her flock mates eggs and now is a momma to 4 little chicks. She is a GREAT momma!!! Gonna keep her around as long as she stays healthy!
This Crossbeak is 3 wks old and is barely growing, Seems to get very little food in although it's moisted and in a deep dish and she spend much of the day trying to eat. Seems dizzy from weakness, what little feathers that have some in are a mess and tattered, not certain if from lack of nutrition or inability to preen properly. I hate the thought of her suffering but fear that's what's happening. Hate the thought of not giving her a chance.

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