Cross Breeding Species List...


10 Years
Dec 2, 2009
Ok something got me thinking about all the different animals that can inter breed with each other.
So, i want a list. If you know for a fact that two different animals can produce hybrid offspring, please let us know. And if you know if the offspring are fertile or not tell us that too.
The ones (i think) i know... Correct me if im wrong.

Lions X Tigers
Chickens X Turkeys
Sheep X Goats
Zebra X Horse
Donkey X Horse

What else?
Lion x Tiger = Liger sterile
Tiger x Lion = Tigon sterile

Zebra x Horse = Zorse sterile
Donkey x Horse = Mule sterile
Horse x Donkey = Hiney sterile
Zebra x Donkey = Zedonk sterile
Zebra x Pony = Zony sterile
Plains zebra species x Mountian zebra or Grevy zebra= sterile offspring

Buffalo & Cattle = Beefalo, first generation males are usually sterile. Second generation males 50% sterile.
Yak & Cattle = first generation males are usually sterile. Second generation males 50% sterile.

Llama & Camel = Cama (not crossed by natural mating) my belief is they are sterile.
Bactrian Camel & Dromedary Camel= fertile offspring
Llama & Alpaca = Fertile
Llama & Guanaco = Fertile
Alpaca & Vicuana = Fertile

Elk & Red Deer= Fertile
Elk & Sika Deer= think fertile but not sure

Muscovy Ducks x Mallard type ducks = sterile offspring

never heard of an elk & whitetail cross

never seen a sheep and goat cross that has made it full term.

never seen a turkey & chicken cross.

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