Crow collars

Lori J

5 Years
Jun 18, 2017
Someone suggested that I get a crow collar instead of trying to sell my ayam cemani rooster (purchased as a 6 week old thinking him to be a hen). We can’t have roosters in my neighborhood. I have seen a crow collar in action and it did not seem to mute the crowing much, plus I have heard that some people think that they are not very humane. But I am still tempted because I know he is happy where he is. Also, his crow is not very loud so maybe it would work? Of course, maybe it’s because he is young? What are your thoughts?
I'm sure you'll get a different opinion from just about anyone you ask. We are chicken keepers, after all..
I think the collars are unnatural and uncomfortable, but lots of things we ask of our animals are unnatural or uncomfortable—especially livestock.

There are plenty of people who say they don't work or don't muffle the crow enough, and a handful of claims that it can kill birds (user error? I don't know). If you're dying to keep him then it's certainly an option, but I would be skeptical and keep a backup plan open.
On the other hand, an ayam cemani rooster should be relatively easy to rehome, especially if he's well mannered. I'm sure he would be happy anywhere as long as he has some tails to chase.
I think many of the gadgets we see on the market right now are targeted at those who engage in cock fighting. Since the practice is illegal, muting a bunch of roosters on the cheap looks good to someone who isn't really concerned about the well being of the animal. I'd put my roosters down before I half choke them 24/7. There's no quality of life there. Just my humble opinion...
Do you have other chickens? A bunch of hens perhaps? You may want to wait (I think crow collars are cruel) and see how much he actually crows. I have a big Jersey Giant rooster that only crows a few times in the morning and that's it. No more during the day. My hens make 100 times more noise with their squawking and singing and talking than he does! Neighbors would probably complain about the girls more than the rooster! Just a thought.

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