Crowing hen/Rooster


In the Brooder
May 10, 2016
Louisville Ky


We have 6 chickens around 10 weeks old. This particular one starting crowing a few days ago. I didn't believe it until I ears it for myself this morning. It's a sad cockadoodledoo so I'm not fully convinced she could be a rooster. She is the most dominant of the bunch, and getting to be the biggest. But the 3 Isa Browns stand up to her/him.
Is this normal? Am I neglecting him/her? What can I do?

I have a video of the crowing if I can figure out how to upload.
Does that mean it's a Hen or a Rooster?
I'm new to this. I thought I'd done all my research, although you can never do too much reading. Either way, he/she is crowing. If a Hen is her crowing a bad sign?
Pullets don't crow, and cockrels do. It's an EE cockrel. Ameracaunas are a specific breed that come in specific colors, and he's not one of them.. I prefer EEs to the purebreds I've had, as they tend to be much better layers. They also come in wonderful mixed colors. If it's legal to have roosters where you live, keep him and see how things go. Do cull for any human aggression! Mary
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