Crowing Hen


10 Years
Aug 2, 2009
Metro Atlanta
I had heard about this odd behavior, but most comments dispute the idea of a CROWING hen. Well, I can confirm there are such birds about. One of my 2 year old hens has been crowing. These are most definitely hens, have been laying eggs for a while, but recently decided to begin a funny, sing-song "crow" in the morning. I believe it's one of my barred rocks but can't be sure because they stop when I show up. I also have a broody for the first time and wonder if the two are coincidental or go together.

Well, all I can say is the crowing isn't as loud or harsh as a rooster, but more like a "church lady" trying hard to sing at the top of her range and hold a high note unsuccessfully. Very funny sound! Hopefully the neighbors think it's me out practicing my opera, and not an outlaw rooster.
Do you have a rooster?
Sometimes hens try to take the place of a rooster by crowing.
Is it the lead hen crowing?
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No, we don't have a rooster. That's why I'm wondering if the broody hen inspired the crowing hen to sing. I'm pretty sure the crowing one is not the dominant hen, maybe just the one with the best voice!
I have lots of roosters, our girl was given to us and they told us she crowed. I didn't hear her for the first week or so, but after she settled in ,I heard her at least once a day.
I described the sound of my crowing hen as "an owl trying to imitate a rooster" it is too low and soft for an actual crow, but she tried (then we got another rooster and she stopped).
My Barred Rock did the samething, but I think it was done to get my attention and boy did it work! As soon as I came rushing down to her she stopped and it has not happened again. Chicken's are a lot smarter then we give them credit for. Mine have trained me well!

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