Crushed egg


11 Years
Feb 7, 2008
Southern Alberta, Canada
I saw something weird beside the quail pen, which was a quail egg... Crushed quail egg. Im thinking a Mouse got at it or the quail crushed it.... How can I solve this, that I don't have any more? Im thinking putting a box in there for like a Nestbox feel. would that solve it?
is it a completely wire bottom coop, if so, i'd put a sand box or 2 in there, my birds all lay their eggs in the same sandbox. the one coop i have that has an inside, they all lay their eggs in the shavings.
I took a Huge Oxo containers I got a Costco and Washed it out and Cut a hole in that, That way they can hide from the males and also Have a place if they need extra sleeping time.... I might paint it So its a bit darker... Is oil paint safe for Quail areas???
Ah, Okay. Well better Be safe and ask compared to killing them
Chances are your birds just crushed the egg them selfs.

I find coturnix just lay wherever if you keep them in a plain 'ol cage with shavings on the bottom.

However if you keep them with lots of plants and all that jazz them tend to lay in the same spot ,in my experience.
X2, Speaking again of mice, I am currently making an effort to eliminate as many of them around my place as possible, as they can track around and spread disease and cause other problems.

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