Crying/Sneezing? Hen...Help please!


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2016
Pittsburgh, Pa
I need some help please. My Cochin Bantam Hen is crying and sounds like sneezing? This is what I've checked so far:
Looked for ticks and didn't see any although it's possible that I missed it because she's a fluffball of feathers
Checked for pasty butt and she's all good there
Looked all over her body for any outward signs of trauma
I checked her head and face very good and don't see any out of the ordinary
She is still young and not egg laying age as far as I know but I'm new to this so who knows! She was hatched late March, early April. I felt around her lower abdomen and down towards her vent and I can't feel anything that feels like an egg, not even a soft bump.
I have videos of her vent and the crying, sneezing and general behavior. I'm just not sure how the post them.
She sounds so sad, I'm so worried about her! Any help and advice is greatly appreciated!

This is a picture of her vent (I'm assuming that's what it's called even on chickens
She's still crying

I'm trying right now to get the videos uploaded to YouTube so that I can post a link here. It'll probably be easier for someone to help out once you can see and hear what she's doing.
Videos posted! Please share any thoughts and information that may help. My poor girl is still crying. She started acting like this around 3 pm today. I went to the store, she was fine when I left, and about 20 minutes later my husband sent me a video and asked if I knew why she was making these strange crying sounds
So basically, she's been crying for about 5 hours now.
Never mind
As of 10:30 pm she is in the coop for the night. She is still crying. I've been online since my first post searching for answers and I think I found the problem. From everything that I've read this is most likely a respiratory infection. Being so late, I'll have to wait until morning to go to Tractor Supply to buy VetRx, a natural remedy that helps to cure this without using antibiotics. I love my chickens and will use antibiotic meds if necessary to save their life but I'm thrilled to have found something that is more homeopathic and natural. I'll post updates to myself on here in case someone else would have this problem and need the info.
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She sounds to me me like she has stridor, which is high pitched noise in the trhoat from a partial obstruction of the trachea or airway. Usually that is food or mucus, and it can sometimes disappear after a few hours when the chicken coughs or the object moves out the airway. Look in her throat with a light for anything stuck in her throat, and check her in a few hours ro aee if she sounds better. This can be pretty common. If it persists, I would provably treat her for a possible repiratory disease with Tylan or oxytetracycline. A vet may help also.
Thank you Eggcessive! I was in panic mode yesterday and was so worried about her. She was still "crying" around 1 am but it was more of a whiny wimper. This morning when I opened the coop she bounded out and did her usual morning routine of running, flapping her wings and playing with the others. No crying, whining or wimpering. I'm assuming that you are right and she must've had something stuck in her throat and coughed it out at some point. In all of my research, I didn't run across anything about Stridor so I'll be reading up on that today. I'm going to watch her closely today and make sure that whatever it was has passed. I was terrified to open the coop this morning because I didn't hear her crying

I am going to get the VetRx for my Chicken First Aid kit just to have it on hand. Thank you for your response! I'm off to read about Stridor now.

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