CT here? Anyone else?

Come on!! Someone here HAS to NEED a NN rooster?
Tiffany would be glad to buy a few if you end up w/too many-Chickenstock. What time is the auction, do they always have chickens? Do they sell individually or in large group, and at what cost? My hubby suggested them, but I wanted to start w/chicks. Maybe good to get layers to have eggs while I am waiting for my little ones to grow up. Really would like BO and BRs
Really would like BO and BRs

Did you have any luck at Benedict's in Monroe? Thats where my chicks came from this year - their previous shipment. Wasn't crazy how the kept the chicks nor could I pick them out. I went back a couple weeks later and a lot of the chicks remaining had poopy-butts. I guess my point is, get them as soon as they come in at the feed stores.
Yesterday I found a local farm that sells chicks. Mostly their farm "mutts". I didn't get into specifics of what varieties might be in the mix. They have some available and will be hatching more. They also had some golden comets. Its Holbrook Farm in Bethel. Google it - the farm looks really cute. And I may have found a place to get raw milk! I haven't actually been to the farm yet, so I'm not rec. them - just letting you know they are there.
Good luck on the chicken hunt.

Good morning all. I live in Newtown. My charges are coming on Tuesday I can't wait.........It's good to see a variety from around the state that are keeping chickens.
<Thats great you are getting more chicks - and nice you found someone to split an order with. What are you getting?>

a couple phoenix, salmon favoles?, rosecomb brown leghorns, cuckoo maran, columbian wyndottes, americauna

neighbor got columbian, gold and silver laced wyndottes, polish capped something, americaunas, anconas, rc brown leghorn,
Sounds like a pretty flock! I've got 2 pullets each of the following coming this week:
buff orpington
black austrolorp
red sex link
easter egger
spangled russian orloff
I have one barred rock hen and one ee mutt hen as well as three six week old chicks we hatched that are probably all roos. One definitely is, he's been crowing every morning. Sigh....

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