Cuckoo marans

This looks like a rooster to me. See the dark green sickle feathers in his tail, and his tail stance? The reddish mottling around the wings is also typical of males.
After looking at the picture again, I agree with Wishapup. I'm not sure what I was looking at before, but it does look more like a rooster than a hen.
Hello is any one going to Knoxville in December to the poultry show ? I would love to buy some nice French golden , silver or regular cuckoo pullets or pairs. If any one is going and has extras drop me a note THANKS jeff
I have a cuckoo marans pullet. If she reaches laying age during cold weather do you think she will begin laying or will she wait til spring? I also wonder if she will have medium to dark eggs? Do they lay a lot of eggs? I am just asking in general......I know she may not follow the rules. Thanks
I have a cuckoo marans pullet. If she reaches laying age during cold weather do you think she will begin laying or will she wait til spring? I also wonder if she will have medium to dark eggs? Do they lay a lot of eggs? I am just asking in general......I know she may not follow the rules. Thanks
I have 4 Cuckoo Marans among my flock. At least a couple of them are laying a definite darker egg than the others which are my favorites. Though when I count and sort my eggs there are sometimes some darker eggs that I question as to whether they are darker brown eggs from my other layers, or lighter Marans eggs. Regardless they seem to keep up reasonably well in laying with the rest of my flock, just not quite as many.
Thank you rfreedlund ....I didn't think that these were the marans that laid the chocolate colored eggs. Most of my eggs have been very pale brown so anything darker would be nice....I hope she begins to lay soon.
A few of the eggs I get are definitely a darker chocolate color without a doubt. It is impossible to miss when comparing them to the others. However, you are right in that their eggs will not likely be as dark as those that come from a good Black Copper Marans. I wanted to try some Marans to get a feel for them, but I didn't want to spend too much money extra the first time around with them!!
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At what age do the Marans start laying? Mine are at 4 months now, but I guess I need to wait for spring with them. I have read that salmonella is less of a problem with the Marans eggs as they have the smallest pore size in their eggs of all the breeds. The bacteria cannot make it through them. Below is a picture of my Silver Cuckoo cockerel, he still has growing in him. We have 3 Silver Cuckoo pullets as well.

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