Cuckoo silkie


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2018
so I am looking at buying this cuckoo but have heard about the spot. I was told a bright white spot means it’s a boy and faded smaller spot means girl. Is this a boy? I already have a cuckoo roo so I wouldn’t be able to keep the little guy if it were.
so I am looking at buying this cuckoo but have heard about the spot. I was told a bright white spot means it’s a boy and faded smaller spot means girl. Is this a boy? I already have a cuckoo roo so I wouldn’t be able to keep the little guy if it were.
Um, does that chick have feathered feet, five toes, crest, and a walnut comb?
It doesn't very much look like a silkie too me.
Yes it’s a silkie it has the 5 toes and black feet and crest. It is much to young to look for a comb as it is only days old. I was told that the sex could be told by the spot. That’s all I’m looking for:)

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