Cuddly, Easy to Handle Standard Breed


Crossing the Road
Jun 27, 2021
DS is trying to figure out which breed to order for next year. His two top wishes are cuddly, and easy to handle.

What suggestions do you all have for him? Our Welsummer currently holds the title of being friendliest & easy to handle, which surprised us since he ordered a Buff Orpington thinking that she would be.None of our chickens are cuddly although we have a lot of lap-jumpers. I know that all birds have their own unique personalities, but he would rather go with a breed known for it & keep fingers crossed.

Thank you!
My Calico Princess hen is cuddly and sweet I can just walk over and pluck her up whenever ahe gets loose.

My splash marans male from Chicken Scratch Poultry is also quite docile, he and an araucana from the same place.are.almost more like puppies around people.
I don't beleive there is any genetic predisposition to being cuddly. If there was, we would all be picking our lovers by breed.:D
Even the flightiest birds can be nurtured to be human friendly.
Chickens are not in general cuddly by nature. Most do not like being touched unless it's by another chicken.
Tell your DS to pick the breed he likes and learn how to gain the birds trust.
It’s so cute, all the kids in the family want chickens when they get big. DS is the oldest and first to reach teens, so the cousins all follow him. My nephew wants 3 flocks of mixed blue varieties and my niece likes lavender. DS just likes friendly chicks, he will sit in the yard with chickens on his lap, happy as can be. Hey, it gets all of them off of their electronics & outside in the fresh air!
Speckled sussex have the best personalities.
I've heard a couple stories about the roosters, but I've never had one, so I can't give any recommendation for the roosters. But the hens! My speckled sussex is not "cuddly" I never raised her to be that way, but she's incredibly friendly, all she wants to do is waddle after me wherever I go, she's also super chatty, and she allows me to pet her whenever she's roosting. Her sister was like that too, just super personable. I would only raise speckled sussex if given the choice.

Other friendly chickens have been wyandottes, rhode island reds, and orpingtons.

Honestly tho, it would be so much easier to get a cuddly pet out of a duck. Even my most standoffish ducks are infinitely more friendly than my friendliest chickens.
Thanks. He’s very good with our current girls, very confident, gentle, and not super-grabby like kids can be. I think he has it narrowed down to another color Orpington, Cochin, Bielefelder, Niedderheiner, or Naked Neck. We have a Welsummer, Orpington, Sussex & Marans that are people-friendly right now. 😊

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