Curiosity has the best of me - Vegetarians.

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Here in Western Washington there's now a mobile abattior truck to process animals for small family farms. (Which I think is a fabulous idea. I'm not a fan of huge meat producing feed lots!) However, even though these animals have good, happy lives up until the end I still have no desire to eat them.

An interesting idea, although I think it would take a while to get a return on the investment.
Well, that is just about as honest as one can get! Congrats!!!
I like meat to much to give it up
But I will say that I do my best to take my own meat and try not to buy when I can. I spent this summer doing alot of fishing and stored a good bit of salmon up for the winter. I also tried to get a moose but ended up not getting one. And to be honost The reasen whY i got my chickens was for the purpose of eggs....lots of eggs, BUT I also got ones that I heard make for good meat hens because next spring I plan on Raising chicks up for butchering for food to feed my family ( thats if I DONT get attatched to them lmao). I understand why some people dont want to eat meat how ever I see nothing wrong with eating meat. I do prefure though to either raise my own or hunt wild game. I grew up Hunting and fishing and have grown up with the morals of "You eat what you kill" and plan on teaching my own children this when they get older.

And yes I agree....I dont think i could ever give up bacon! lol
Well given that I have hens that lay my eggs for me, I know that my hens will have long happy lives. They are not harmed by my eating eggs. I am not sure why a person would have a flock of chickens without a purpose. At this point I don't have space for a cow or goat, but I have thought about it. once again I am not spending a lot of time worrying about the process given the volume that we consume.

As for the onions I never liked them as a kid. I finally got old enough to try deep fried onion rings as a teenager, and I assumed that given how much I liked deep fried food that I should like them. Well that was the moment I realized that I really can't stand onions. I still haven't found any vegetarian cook that doesn't seem to rely on onions in their dishes. I would rather eat a vegetable raw than a cooked one.
I'm a vegetarian because of what animals get fed and what some of them eat. My only bad point is I can't stand fried fish in a pan otherwise I despise the smell and taste of meat.
i could never give up a Juicy Rare Steak!! lol I hate the way animals are treated and slaughtered, and i'd like to become more self sufficient and supply myself my own meat, but i cant do that, currently anyway.
a co-worker tried going vegan for a while, but she didn't feel well not eating some meat/eggs etc. She did it because of the inhumane treatement of animals. Now she looks for free range food etc... and doesn't buy meats in the store.

I do not condone inhumain treatment of any animal, so I get all my meat either from family who raise beef/lamb, or I hunt deer or eat my chickens & their eggs and our goose eggs (very tastey). I buy very little meat from the store except pork (and I've been thinking about raising a porker myself, or hoping to come across a boar in the woods to harvest, they're open season in MI). And still mulling around raising yak. I love a good steak, but may only have one or two a month! I've always said a word of thanks to the animals I've taken and hold them in the highest regard.

One of the reasons I don't like processed meats, is because of the genetically modified grains and other crap they eat. There's talk about genetically modified fish now... yuck!? I like it the way it was intended natural thanks!

I always respect a person's decision for the foods they choose to eat........ I'm not eating it so it shouldn't matter to me. However, I always expect the same respect in return.
I don't eat meat from places where animals are treated inhumanly sp? before there slaughtered... But i just found a local farm who sells meat and me and my mother (Shes a vegetarian as well) Are going to try that! However being a vegetarian isn't for everyone the only reason i can do it is because i LOVE seafood!
And I'm not picky at all!

Is seafood considered to be vegetarian. Is it considered to be Vegan? I love seafood, but I don't trust it anymore. I've seen the way they mass produce shrimp over in Asia and I don't trust Gulf fish anymore. Then they have the Frankenstein Salmon. It's gotten to the point where I don't trust anything made by corporations when it comes to food. If you want something that doesn't have 15 different chemical compounds in it, you either have to grow or raise it yourself or pay an arm and a leg for it.

I agree with all the semi veggies though. Eliminating red meat makes you feel better, sleep better. When I do eat red meat, it has to be very tender. Even chewing a piece of steak till the flavor is long gone doesn't make it easy to digest for me. It still feels like a big ball of lead in my stomach. I love a nice juicy cheeseburger or some pork ribs. I just don't eat them because in my opinion they aren't good for me. The cheeseburger isn't bad if it's made with 90% lean, but the juicy delicious ribs with the sugar based sauce all over them that melt in my mouth. Those are bad.
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