Curiosity has the best of me - Vegetarians.

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Folks. I don't know or care what your pigs eat in your yards. I'm stating that pork isn't good for you. Chicken, Beef, etc.. are fine. But Pork and animals such as Shrimp aren't good for you. That doens't stop half the world from eating it. And it won't kill you. But it's not good for you.

I'm done. (I think..)

Why isnt shrimp good for you... ?
Can you please post some links..(not religious ones either..
..) about WHY shrimp isnt good for you...
Just wondering..cause i eat shrimp/seafood alot..
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I think and I hope Matthew will correct me if I am wrong, that his reasons are religious. I am fine with that. I tried to clear up what I thought were misconceptions from a non-religious viewpoint. If Matthew were to come to dinner at my house, I wouldn't hide the pigs but I would not feed him pork or anything else he had a religious objection to. I would ask ahead of time and I would not deliberately put something offensive on the table and I would do the same for any one else. I hope he would also bring his manners with him and offer me the same courtesy and not mention it if I missed something. I would worry about it all the same. This was an on-line public discussion and therefore his point of view was open for discussion and it looks like he is trying to bow out gracefully.

Actually there are a few non-religious reasons why shrimp might not be good for you. Pollution (all seafood as this worry now) and cholesterol. Eaten in moderation (know the source) no problem, but if one needs to maintain a low cholesterol diet, then shrimp is not on the menu. Personally I like shrimp but my pocket book doesn't.
All right Matthew.... can you give us something specific? Initially you told us its because of what they eat... now you say that you don't care what our pigs eat.... its just not good for you.


And why group with shrimp ... for instance shrimp eat all kinds of (human thinking) nasty stuff.... what about lobster, eel, cod... what about other ground fish?

I have a hard time believing this isn't a religeous belief that your pushing here...


the happy eater of pig!

Happy Thanksgiving all!
I think and I hope Matthew will correct me if I am wrong, that his reasons are religious. I am fine with that. I tried to clear up what I thought were misconceptions from a non-religious viewpoint. If Matthew were to come to dinner at my house, I wouldn't hide the pigs but I would not feed him pork or anything else he had a religious objection to. I would ask ahead of time and I would not deliberately put something offensive on the table and I would do the same for any one else. I hope he would also bring his manners with him and offer me the same courtesy and not mention it if I missed something. I would worry about it all the same. This was an on-line public discussion and therefore his point of view was open for discussion and it looks like he is trying to bow out gracefully.

Actually there are a few non-religious reasons why shrimp might not be good for you. Pollution (all seafood as this worry now) and cholesterol. Eaten in moderation (know the source) no problem, but if one needs to maintain a low cholesterol diet, then shrimp is not on the menu. Personally I like shrimp but my pocket book doesn't.

Yeah.. iknew about the pollution view point.. i dont buy into that much either..
But now the cholesterol angle.. I have heard that before too... but i was under the impression..(most likely, the WRONG inpression..
..) that it wasnt the 'bad' type of cholesterol....
*sigh*..i hope i never get high cholesterol... i'd be a hurting pup.. cause i love my seafood..
I think and I hope Matthew will correct me if I am wrong, that his reasons are religious. I am fine with that. I tried to clear up what I thought were misconceptions from a non-religious viewpoint. If Matthew were to come to dinner at my house, I wouldn't hide the pigs but I would not feed him pork or anything else he had a religious objection to. I would ask ahead of time and I would not deliberately put something offensive on the table and I would do the same for any one else. I hope he would also bring his manners with him and offer me the same courtesy and not mention it if I missed something. I would worry about it all the same. This was an on-line public discussion and therefore his point of view was open for discussion and it looks like he is trying to bow out gracefully.

Actually there are a few non-religious reasons why shrimp might not be good for you. Pollution (all seafood as this worry now) and cholesterol. Eaten in moderation (know the source) no problem, but if one needs to maintain a low cholesterol diet, then shrimp is not on the menu. Personally I like shrimp but my pocket book doesn't.

Yeah.. iknew about the pollution view point.. i dont buy into that much either..
But now the cholesterol angle.. I have heard that before too... but i was under the impression..(most likely, the WRONG inpression..
..) that it wasnt the 'bad' type of cholesterol....
*sigh*..i hope i never get high cholesterol... i'd be a hurting pup.. cause i love my seafood..

No kidding... if I could raise lobster, shrimp, salmon, scallops and muscles too..... I could think of no good reason to ever step into grocery store again. Here on the east coast of Canada our seafod is fairly safe.... but I am now craving seafod chowder! Thanks!
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Hey Everyone,
There was a 30 year long study done, called the China Study. This Basically Shows How Bacon, shrimp beef. chicken, any meat (and fish) is bad for you. The basic jest of the story is a nutritionist names t.Collin Cambell watched the Chinese as the Western diet became more prevalent in there culture. I.E more Beef and 99C burgers . As beef increased, so did there cholesterol, and so did there Cancer, Heart Disease, or any American Disease common in America, often called diseases of affluence(money). Basically, people say we need protein to life. They say the more protein the better. But actually, you need certian types of proteins. Simple proteins, meats have complex proteins, and overload the body, respiratory, and has fat build up in are muscles (marbling in beef) and plaque in our veins, and protein hungry cancers emerge. And when cambell have people with these diseases a tradition chinese diet high in fruits vegetable and nuts the disease reversed themselves !
TO the OP if your really interested in this I would consider buying the book. It can really change your life and your way of thinking. Im not saying to come a Vergetarian or not, but eat less meat. And to matthew, im not sure if your religion or not, honestly i dont care, but i hope this little paragraph backs you up. This is what i remember from memory, not sure if im 100% accurate.
See.. i dont believe that either...
Folks have been eating meat since the beginning of time... theres a reason for that...
My grandmother and her mother and both of her sisters... ALL lived to be 94-95 yrs old...Guess what they ate all their lives? They lived on a farm.. they ate real butter, drank real full fat milk from their cows... they ate their fresh pork and beef and chickens and their chicken eggs too.

In past years.. folks used to say real butter and eggs were bad for you too... now they are finding they were wrong..
I think its all what you personally want to believe... theres not enough PROVEN scientific data to convince me either way yet...
Honestly..i personally believe that genetics has a LOT to do with it too...

That China Study book does sound very interesting though... i'll have to check it out...just because..
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It seems that scientists can't make up their minds about shrimp and health:

Too much of any one food might be bad for health. Balance and moderation.

Here's a short piece I found about a religious attitude to shrimp:

It quotes something written by a primitive person or two hundreds of years ago but it doesn't say why shellfish may not be eaten. 'Unclean' isn't enough of an explanation. Is the apple thing again.

If there is a health reason for not eating pig and shrimp I'd like to know what it is. Religious dogma is not sufficient reason.
exactly.... USS above commented on all forms of meat, Matthew comments on meats with a religeous connotation ( for lack of sufficient words) pig, shrimp..... "dirty food"

Redhen....... I believe you have hit it bang on, hasn't anyone ever though about how a 5'5" woman and a 5'10" man with parents shorter by inches than ourselves can produce 6'2" children... there have been increasing chemicals in our foods for years... at one point I was very ill from eating all those little frozen dinners for my lunch break at work .. to the point my digestive system shut down and I was in hospital for months!

We have changed the way we live, eat as much pure food as we can and some time soon I will make my own butter and if possible cheese... here in Nova Scotia is is illegal for a farmer to sell me raw milk..... illegal!! Government has too much say in the food I am allowed to buy and I won't put up with it.. even if it means donating something to the farmer to the value of the milk in exchange of the raw milk... even if that donation is cash.
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