Curious as to what breeds?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 29, 2013
Olive Hill, Ky
Hello all! Thought I would ask for some help. We bought several dozen hatching eggs and hatched out about 28 chicks. Almost all of the eggs were purchased from BYC but one group I purchased on eBay :( They were supposedly Dominques and Delawares. I was sent 12 eggs and only 6 made it in tact and 3 hatched. I had much better rates (of course) from the eggs I purchased here. Anyways, they don't look like any Delaware or Dominque I have ever seen. I was wondering if anyone could help with an ID? It is the 2 white and buff gals, and the white an gray fella. Thank you!


It's really tough to see in the photo, and especially through the wire, but my guess would be that they are mutts. The buff/white gals could be a farm-bred red sex link.

If you want a more definitive answer, you may want to post better photos that show heads and combs.
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I will try and get some better pictures out of their tractor. I figured they were mutts, just wanted some more "expert" opinions before confronting the breeder who sold them to me. Thank you!
I will try and get some better pictures out of their tractor. I figured they were mutts, just wanted some more "expert" opinions before confronting the breeder who sold them to me. Thank you!
Well, there's no possible way those are Dominiques or Delawares. Just this photo alone should be enough evidence to confront the breeder. You definitely got taken.
Yes I know. I emailed her a few days after hatching asking politely if there had been a mix up. She got very defensive. So I plan to show her some pictures and hopefully get some sort of refund. Or at least an apology lol We have a few Delawares already but were hoping to add to our flock. I though the buffs might be some sort of red sex link. The little white guy, I have not a clue lol Thank you!
She now says that perhaps her Buckeye rooster got in with her Delaware hens. But that still doesn't explain the little "Mohawk" rooster lol She will not be getting any more of my business or a good recommendation. I am also thinking he's some kind of polish cross and the girls are a farm yard red sex link of some sort. So disappointed!
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