Curious if anyone would be able tell.


9 Years
Mar 20, 2015
Northwest USA
Hey y’all, I got my chicks today from MM! All seem in good spirits and are eating and drinking. The surprise chick they sent is, I believe (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong), a white crested black polish. I was looking on line about how to sex the chick and they say crest shape and location. This crest looks round to me but as far as being in the front or back of head, it just seems to cover the whole top, although I guess it doesn’t go all the way up to the beak. Any ideas? I can’t keep roosters and was planning on butchering the surprise chick if was a roo, but it’s so darn cute I don’t know if I will. If it is a roo I may just give him away to someone who wants him. I’m not so secretly hoping it’s a girl. Sorry for the red light but I want them warm right away!

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