Cut feathers to avoid matting?


May 5, 2022
I was given a chicken with severe cross beak and she has very hard time eating dry food. She's on the thin side and I've been feeding her chick feed mixed with cracked corn in a mash form because it's near impossible for her to eat dry food(I also mix in oyster shells). It's just easier for her to eat it mashed.
Now she shakes her face every time she swallows and whatever is stuck on her beak flies around or gets stuck on her neck. This has caused the mash to dry and harden on her neck feathers causing them to matt together.
Would it be okay if I cut her neck feathers? I have the deepest feeling that the answer is no, but I'm no chicken expert so I thought I should ask.
Are you away that by adding the mixed corn stuff in to the chick feed you are making it so that she isn't getting a balanced diet and are diluting the total protein intake she's getting which isn't good?
Are you away that by adding the mixed corn stuff in to the chick feed you are making it so that she isn't getting a balanced diet and are diluting the total protein intake she's getting which isn't good?
Ah I wasn't. I heard it was good to help them gain weight. I'll stop putting it in
Can you get clear picture of this area and her beak issue?
This is a photo from the second day I had her.


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Ah I wasn't. I heard it was good to help them gain weight. I'll stop putting it in
Think of it this way.

Pretend the chick feed is a salad, steak and veggies plus fruit. A balanced meal.

The corn is cookies and candy.

It would be best if she ate all of the balanced meal instead of only half of the balanced meal with the junk.

Make better sense?

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