cutest chicken names!

Just got six black star pullet chicks.

Beetle juice
Snow White

I was going to do all Disney princess names but the non princess names out weighed the other names haha
My coop is named "Downton Eggy" and my girls were supposed to be named Lady Mary, Edith and Sybil after the Downton Abbey characters. Then I saw Lady Mary (blue Orpington) take off across the yard for the first time in her undignified feather-flopping bouncy way and knew it would never work. So I named her Lucille (Lucy) after my great aunt who was rather large and had an enormous bust. Edith (BO) couldn't stay Edith because she was too sweet and no one wants to be the least popular sister so she became Ella. Sybil (Australorp) somehow transitioned into Zelda Fitzgerald. Then I added a fourth (Faverolles),Claire, aka Monkey, Baguette, Cheeky, Foofers or whatever name suits her that day.
Fluffy (rhode island red)
marshmellow (light brahma)
apple(rhode island red)
buttercup (golden sex link)
Squirell (a very squirelly ameraucana)( looks like a black chipmunk)
Chip (ameeicauna thats looks like a chipmunk)
Scratch (red sex link)
Tater (fat red sex link)(looks like a tatertot)
Hazel (barred rock)
Basil (silkie)
Bleu (silkie)
Turtle (barred rock)
Chirp (ameraucana)
Peep (ameraucana)
Maple (americauna)
Tuffy (?)
Duffy (?)
Fluff (?)
Puff (?)
And about 11 unnamed ones. We have silkies and frizzles 2. That r unnamed.
Sorry folks, I just can't bring myself to name my chicks.

I love every one of them from the bottom of my heart. They calm me down when my life becomes stressful. They understand my pain. They cheer me up every morning as I prepare to drive down to the rat race and work for the man.

But I know one day my hen will go in the pot, and if I had given that chicken a name, I would be sort of a cannibal, you know?
My prized girl Emma Chicken was the sweetest bok bok ever. I lost her two years ago and I still miss her feathery shadow behind me outside always and waiting at the door to be let in for treats :-( I named her that cause when you say it, sounds like "I'm a chicken" lol.

Her compadres were Ella and Emily. The few I had after those pets were Dorothy, Rose and Sophia (she was a little frizzle white leghorn, very much suited her name) lol.
I have 4 EE/Orp mixes named after the Golden Girls (and yes, they live in the Golden Palace):
Sophia Pecktrillo
Rose Egglyn
Dorothy Zbornchick
and my favorite since we thought she might be a Roo for awhile: Blanche Nevercreaux

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