cutest chicken names!

I named my ferious guniea that fought off a hawk "Gemma" from the show Sons of Anarchy cuz she's the baddest B in town!
My friend has a dog that is named Kitty and hops around like a bunny!

I think Bunny is a cute name for a chicken..
cute. I changed the name from Leni to Edelweiss. I like the song and how it goes "every morning you greet me."
I love that song! Edelweiss, edelweiss, every morning you greet me! Strong and white, clean and bright, you look happy to see me! I love The Sound of Music and your super cute Edelweiss!
I've had my share of 'old lady' named chickens but it's about finding the name the FITS the chicken! Our OG chickens were Gertrude and Charlene (RIR and Amerucauna), unfortunately we lost Gertrude about a month ago, she was a great old lady and even though she was not thrilled about the new additions this year she taught them all they needed to know... Still miss her :'(
this year we added 6 more to the group. Betsy and Matilda are also amerucaunas and were hatched early March. Matilda is a movie star w/black feathers around her eyes it looks like she's wearing eyeliner! And she's a total diva! Lol Betsy is a sweetheart.
Noodle, Patsy, Blubble, and Leia are silver laced Wyandotte's and were hatched April 1st. Noodle I named after my little sister who's nickname is Noodle cuz she's small and sassy! As a chick she would pig out and pass out beak first in the food, just like my sister when she's drunk lol. Patsy is after Patsy Cline a long time favorite singer, Patsy is also a sweet heart just like Betsy. Blubble and Leia were named by my brother in law, he lives in California and came back for a visit, they didn't have names so I told him to name them :) Blubble "looked like a blubble" and Leia cuz he's a huge star wars fan!

Our most recent 4 we've had almost a week now, these ladies will actually live with me FULL TIME, I'm stoked! I've been keeping the others at my mom's until I found out I can keep them within city limits in Milwaukee!! Bumble is the lighter if the two blue silkies (maybe a splash? Fingers crossed! But her fluff is not all the same color!!) Cuz the first 2 days we had her she was real clumsy and reminded us of the penguin from happy feet :) Bertha is the only full sized chick, seemed appropriate cuz she's so big and also I love the Grateful Dead song 'Bertha' (great opener ;) btw).... Blue silkie #2 (dark blue, feeling Delilah*) and Buff Brahma Bantam dont have names yet... But they'll come to me ;)
So many good names, I need more chickens! Lol
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We like to name our chickens our favorite drag queen names (RuPaul aka Ru Ru really doesn't give a @$#%!!
) and there's also "Littlefoot", the "long neck" baby dinosaur from the old animated movies "The Land Before Time"
Just named our other buff orpington Queenie. Her twinsie brother we named Kingpen bc he like to fluff up and strut. Other than the shade and size of her comb and waddles they look the same so it seemed appropriate to name her royally as well. Lol.still have our two black amerecauna hens to name.
We have many birds, some names include...

Spartacus (ameracauna)
Ms fluffy cheeks
Runs with lucky pancakes the third (was not likely to survive)
Berry (barred rock)
Ruby (RIR)
Ginger snaps
Ginger (red Sexlink)
Penguano (black australorp)
Blankie (some kind of wynadotte)
Izzy (rooster)
Chancey (Canadien chanctecellor) (roo)
Queen c (white leghorn) (oldest girl)
Floopsy (golden laced polish)
Baby girl (white created black polish)
Snowball (silkie)
Abominable snowgirl
Buffy (buff Orpington)
Baby puff (yes puff not buff)
Mickey (serama ) (roo)
Minnie (x3)
Ash (gray Cochin)
Blackberry (black Cochin)

Sassy pants (Royal Palm turkey)
Chickalo and cinnamon (red burbons)
Teacup (gray turkey)

Micro (ducks)

I think that's all?

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