Cutest, Handsomest, and Prettiest Duck!

Here is a recent photo of my call duck Bunny, who is three months old.

Bunny has sure grown up since the last time I saw her!
She is so cute!
Her eyes are what really get me, there just so pretty!
How old is she now?
(Last time I saw her she was only several weeks old!!!)
My duck is four months old today!
I am so sad but my sadness is overwhelmed with happiness!
Miss Lydia, thanks, and she was purchased as a black runner. Over time, she has gotten more and more "snow" come in, so now she is this salt and pepper with emerald and amethyst highlights. Just remarkable!

She would, of course, be disqualified for showing because she is non-standard.

And she is not just looks, no, she's a bright duck, very personable, too.
Bunny has sure grown up since the last time I saw her!
She is so cute!
Her eyes are what really get me, there just so pretty!
How old is she now?
(Last time I saw her she was only several weeks old!!!)
My duck is four months old today!
I am so sad but my sadness is overwhelmed with happiness!

Thanks! She's just over three months old now. She sure does have pretty eyes.

I saw some pictures of your duck in another thread and he is so adorable! He's gotten much bigger since the last time I saw him too. Did you decide on Daffy for his name?
Miss Lydia, thanks, and she was purchased as a black runner. Over time, she has gotten more and more "snow" come in, so now she is this salt and pepper with emerald and amethyst highlights. Just remarkable!

She would, of course, be disqualified for showing because she is non-standard.

And she is not just looks, no, she's a bright duck, very personable, too.
I had never seen a runner with coloring like hers, she is special for sure.

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