Cutting Claws


8 Years
Apr 10, 2016
Santa Cruz Mountains, California
This is not an emergency, but I’m not sure where else to put it. I keep the litter in the run soft so my girls don’t get bumblefoot and can dig in it. However, in the winter months (shorter days), they don’t get out of the run to range as much as I would like and their claws get too long. I’ve been tending to their feet better and trimming the long ones with dog toenail cutters. However, now I have nicked four quicks! Poor birds! Two on one hen and one each on two others. Yikes! Do I just need to take a little off at a time over several weeks? Will the quick recede? Thanks!
I think you are correct if they are anything like a dog ...yes a little at a time I know that a dog's claws quicks recede over time.
definitley clip less than you were doing so hopefully no more ouchies
This is not an emergency, but I’m not sure where else to put it. I keep the litter in the run soft so my girls don’t get bumblefoot and can dig in it. However, in the winter months (shorter days), they don’t get out of the run to range as much as I would like and their claws get too long. I’ve been tending to their feet better and trimming the long ones with dog toenail cutters. However, now I have nicked four quicks! Poor birds! Two on one hen and one each on two others. Yikes! Do I just need to take a little off at a time over several weeks? Will the quick recede? Thanks!
Don't cut, file. There are lots of good reasons for this as people should know from cutting their own toe and finger nails. I have a glass file for the chickens. It's stock removal rate is quite high and if the chicken twitches I don't end up cutting a toe off.:eek::lol:

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