CX growth rate - I'm falling behind


Mar 28, 2020
I'm raising 68 CX's that were 2 weeks old yesterday. I've been taking average weights of 18 birds every 2 days from the start. I've seen a couple of growth charts around here and other places online as to where they should be at the end of each week. I'm falling behind and wondering if there is something I can do about it. They are straight run so I have to consider growth rates of the 2 sexes but at this point they should be pretty close

At the end of day 7 I had an average weight of 4.11oz. Ideally they should have been around 6.0oz. The average at day 14 was 8.97oz, should have been about 15.9oz.

I'm feeding them chick starter meal @ 19.4% protein. That was the highest protein % the local mill had. I'm seeing recommended to feed them 22-24% protein and maybe I should have looked elsewhere for feed but this virus stuff made it hard to get around to different mills. How much does that protein difference change things?


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