barred roo


Got The Blues
14 Years
Nov 22, 2007
My Coop
My Coop
I have been growing out 4 barred rock roos from various sources. Ive been watching them grow, trying to decide which one to keep. Cyn has given me some very good tips on what I should look for in keeping a quality roo. So of the 4, 2 were smaller than the other 2, so I discarded them. Of the 2 larger ones, I was finally able to chose between them. Both were the same size, and nice broad, large legged birds. One, tho, has much cleaner, sharper barring. The other one's barring is a little lighter and a bit fuzzier. So heres the winner!




Ah, there's part of my question answered. Keep the ones with the best barring and size...I have 13 to choose my favorite from, and have been trying to decide what guidelines to use in my choice. Thanks for the pictures!
Nice choice, Kathy. From the side, he has pretty decent barring, IMO. He could be a bit sharper from a chest-front view, however, I've found that you really wont know his full potential for a little while. Some that had sort of semi-messy barring I've had, have sharpened up a lot as they got their adult feathers.
Another interesting fact I've discovered is that two parents with so-so barring, will on occasion produce a gorgeously barred youngster. Hawkeye and Lexie have produced some with what many might consider show quality barring. Dutch, for example, may not have absolutely perfect barring, however, he has much nicer, more precise barring than either of his parents. And some that others have hatched from Hawkeye with my girls were amazingly gorgeous, IMO. Now, I have Dutch, whose barring and body type surpasses his dad or mom's, as my flock leader, so hopefully, things will get better and better. And, obviously, you work with the best of what you have to work with and improve from there.

Kathy, I have 14 eggs and I'm waiting on one more hen (on the nest now) to lay hers to pop it in the box, for a total of 15.
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Thanks, Cyn. Thats really encouraging. Good to know its a trait that can be improved on easily enough. The others that I didnt use had really fuzzy barring. It wasnt real apparent until they all stood side by side; then this one really stood out as the best. Thanks for your help!

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