Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

I got one little grey call to hatch outta 4 that made it to lockdown. I have the hardest time hatching them! At least I had some chicks hatch a day later to keep it company.
Congrats :) my second batch is due on Saturday, whoot!

WHOOT WHOOT. Can't wait to see their cuteness. My blue penciled hen went broody and has taken over the nest for the last 3 days. The others are still laying but she usually tucks them up under her. She had 8 under her yesterday. She keeps the straw wrapped up so high around her that all you see is her little head poking out lol. Hope they all hatch.
WHOOT WHOOT. Can't wait to see their cuteness. My blue penciled hen went broody and has taken over the nest for the last 3 days. The others are still laying but she usually tucks them up under her. She had 8 under her yesterday. She keeps the straw wrapped up so high around her that all you see is her little head poking out lol. Hope they all hatch.

Fingers crossed!!! Hope they all hatch!

I was wrong on the due date, it's today. Have 6 out so far, one of yours, it's a blue pencilled, and two goslings!!!

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