Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

In order from closest to farthest...
Howard, Sheldon, Leonard

Has anyone had any success in training their call ducks? I'm about to sign my three boys off on target training. Within a couple weeks they learned to target on their own targets (they each have a different color) and not each others. When all three targets are presented they will always pick their own color. They will target across the yard and this morning I got them to all target onto a scale and got good weights on them. I'm just curious if anyone else has had any success or what you guys believe they can do!
Sure! Wobbles knows "no" and "up", and will come when you ring a bell. Food is a wonderful motivator. :p
Has anyone had any success in training their call ducks? I'm about to sign my three boys off on target training. Within a couple weeks they learned to target on their own targets (they each have a different color) and not each others. When all three targets are presented they will always pick their own color. They will target across the yard and this morning I got them to all target onto a scale and got good weights on them. I'm just curious if anyone else has had any success or what you guys believe they can do!

That is incredible. Would you mind posting how you trained them to do that? I'd love to see a video as well, and I'm sure others would also enjoy it.

I have so far been successful in training my ducks to: quack loudly when they want food, quack a little less loudly when they don't want food, swim in a pond, eat minnows, come to me when I have treats in my hands, fly in the other direction when I don't, dig in mud puddles, and investigate the nest in their nice coop then turn around and lay an egg on the ground. This weeked I'll be working on training them to turn their noses up at expensive food I bought because it's good for them. They're very smart, so I'm absolutely sure they'll master that one over the weekend. I might record that one to show off my duck-training skills.
Mine are trained guard ducks. They "bark" louder than the dogs if a stranger or predator comes around. They are also trained to "go to bed" when it's time to lock them up at night. I also have 1 trained to have her head scratched when you bring her water.
Oh, I'm so excited! My calls should be hatching tomorrow and I can already see one of the eggs moving around a bit! This thread has been so helpful! (sorry its off topic, but I'm excited! I have no experience training ducks, lol!)
Keep us updated, call ducks can have a hard time hatching out unassisted! Good luck with your babies, this is so exciting!

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