Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Well we would have to find a researcher that isn't on this forum unless @Julie Bird
can do the research... I think everyone else here doesn't need any eggs :p (I doubt she eats her finch eggs - although 12 of them sunny side up around a bagel would look like a clock and I am sure would make a great conversation piece...)
OmG. I just choked reading this, Tevyes Dad. And I don't eat my finch eggs and yes, they are tiny enough to be the numbers on a bagel clock face. You are sooo funny.
I went to go out to get some ducks in the rain pictures... Instead I got these. This might explain Henry's behavior... lol
Now I get it. His eyes. I am crying laughing at this. Soo much more entertaining than the tube of boob.
Can you please explain how to do that? There is a reason we don't open the door to the duck house in the middle of the night...
Do you think for real Alfred Hitchcock got his idea to make that horror classic The Birds from demonic ducks but used crows instead because the viewing public wouldn't take a bunch of soft waddling ducks seriously? I think he missed the mark here.
Honestly, I have no idea if he will calm down or if this his permanent attitude towards me. I hope he goes back to his sweet self but it doesn't matter either way. I pick him up anyway. He settles down when I do and just sits there with his dangly feets. :)
that is so sweet that the Henry puffer Drake settles down and dangles his webs as you hold him. I would do that too. Are your ganders hormonal? Would they be attracted to Hazel? Or do they know she's not a goose?
Weeeeeee, webs, orange webs, webs attached to a white fluffy round cute cuddly lil duckie. Oh, thank you. Aren't their feets just so cute?
They really are! My favorite is when they come out of their houses in the morning. They stretch and flap their wings all while on the tips of their webs. It just looks so cute!
that is so sweet that the Henry puffer Drake settles down and dangles his webs as you hold him. I would do that too. Are your ganders hormonal? Would they be attracted to Hazel? Or do they know she's not a goose?
The geese are still like giant mischievous kids. No hormones yet. I believe those will kick in early this spring. Thank goodness. One hormonal drake is enough for now.
I have been debating this within myself today. I think it could be a little of both. Lol
Who finally won the debate?

I am pretty sure it is retinal reflection since in my duck house all of them have it at several angles and they are illuminated by IR leds on the camera. Plus Kaine is the only demonic duck I have...
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