Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Who finally won the debate?:gig

I am pretty sure it is retinal reflection since in my duck house all of them have it at several angles and they are illuminated  by IR leds on the camera. Plus Kaine is the only demonic duck I have...
lol! Okay, maybe it's retinal reflection but you might change your mind if you stepped foot in his pen! He's all cute when he's dangling, but he goes for skin!
lol! Okay, maybe it's retinal reflection but you might change your mind if you stepped foot in his pen! He's all cute when he's dangling, but he goes for skin!
Retinal reflection does not preclude the duck being demon. All my ducks eyes glow including Kaine's. Kaine is a demon.
The geese are still like giant mischievous kids. No hormones yet. I believe those will kick in early this spring. Thank goodness. One hormonal drake is enough for now.
No kidding. Wow. All these hormonal webbed boys running around like snapping turtles. Run for the hills everyone. Even Gadget, oy vey.

I am trying to remember from a post way back about your ganders' names. Ollie and Oscar?
No kidding.  Wow.  All these hormonal webbed boys running around like snapping turtles.  Run for the hills everyone.  Even Gadget, oy vey.  

I am trying to remember from a post way back about your ganders' names.  Ollie and Oscar?
Yep, Ollie and Oscar. They are my sweetest boys. They really don't know much about being geese. They are more like toddlers who chew everything. They LOVE their people. Most geese are excellent foragers. Mine, however, are not. The want you to pick the grass for them and eat it from your hand. I know you aren't suppose to hand feed geese but it's hard not to. They are so gentle.

Gadget, in all his tiny glory, does have an attitude too. He opens his mouth like he wants to get a nip. He's too chicken though. He's tough until he sees a hand. Lol
Yep, Ollie and Oscar. They are my sweetest boys. They really don't know much about being geese. They are more like toddlers who chew everything. They LOVE their people. Most geese are excellent foragers. Mine, however, are not. The want you to pick the grass for them and eat it from your hand. I know you aren't suppose to hand feed geese but it's hard not to. They are so gentle.

Gadget, in all his tiny glory, does have an attitude too. He opens his mouth like he wants to get a nip. He's too chicken though. He's tough until he sees a hand. Lol

LOL Wobbles is the same way! He's like the Chickenhawk, he talks a big game but the moment he's threatened by anything he hightails it! And your geese sound so wonderful. I've always wanted a goose, and I can only hope to get some sweethearts like yours. <3
Haha, okay! So tell me about your Kaine. Is he a stinker to you, or just other ducks? Or both?

Only the other ducks.

When we are walking in the back yard he will run after us with his head down ready to nip our Achilles tendons in half. But somehow no matter how slow we go, he never quite catches us. And if we should turn around and look at him, he will stand upright and casually wander away.

He is also VERY tough and will NOT run away from us. Like the rest of the ducks if we slowly walk toward him, he will stay 1-1/2 arm's lengths away. But if we speed up, he will stop and wait for it: "I'm not scared." So i will scratch his chest and pet his back. He tries to meander off but I give him a pet from that direction saying nice things to him all the while... He HATES it.

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