Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Only the other ducks.

When we are walking in the back yard he will run after us with his head down ready to nip our Achilles tendons in half. But somehow no matter how slow we go, he never quite catches us. And if we should turn around and look at him, he will stand upright and casually wander away.

He is also VERY tough and will NOT run away from us. Like the rest of the ducks if we slowly walk toward him, he will stay 1-1/2 arm's lengths away. But if we speed up, he will stop and wait for it: "I'm not scared." So i will scratch his chest and pet his back. He tries to meander off but I give him a pet from that direction saying nice things to him all the while... He HATES it.

Sounds like a stalker drake.
They really are! My favorite is when they come out of their houses in the morning. They stretch and flap their wings all while on the tips of their webs. It just looks so cute!

Isn't that the best? I call it "takeoff mode". Wobbles will flap and flap and stick his neck STRAIGHT OUT and he just gets this determined look on his face like he really thinks he's a tiny airplane!
LOL Wobbles is the same way! He's like the Chickenhawk, he talks a big game but the moment he's threatened by anything he hightails it! And your geese sound so wonderful. I've always wanted a goose, and I can only hope to get some sweethearts like yours. <3
It just cracks me up that they don't realize they're tiny. You hit the nail on the head when you said they were small ducks with a big personality!

How's Wobbles doing with his "balancing act?" Lol ; I seen Gadget head bobbing Gidget like crazy this morning in their pool outside. I even seen him fall off of her a few times. He's this springs hatch so I'm guessing the little guy is new at this. The weren't showing any interest in eachother that way until a few days ago. So YAY!

I hope if you get the chance to have a goose, that you get a sweetheart too. They are rewarding in a different way than ducks. I love them all, of course, but their loyalty is so sweet.
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Only the other ducks.

When we are walking in the back yard he will run after us with his head down ready to nip our Achilles tendons in half. But somehow no matter how slow we go, he never quite catches us. And if we should turn around and look at him, he will stand upright and casually wander away.

He is also VERY tough and will NOT run away from us. Like the rest of the ducks if we slowly walk toward him, he will stay 1-1/2 arm's lengths away. But if we speed up, he will stop and wait for it: "I'm not scared." So i will scratch his chest and pet his back. He tries to meander off but I give him a pet from that direction saying nice things to him all the while... He HATES it.
Kaine sounds like quite the character. I think his name is fitting... lol I love hearing about everyone's duck personalities. :) Thanks for sharing!
It just cracks me up that they don't realize they're tiny. You hit the nail on the head when you said they were small ducks with a big personality!

How's Wobbles doing with his "balancing act?" Lol ; I seen Gadget head bobbing Gidget like crazy this morning in their pool outside. I even seen him fall off of her a few times. He's this springs hatch so I'm guessing the little guy is new at this. The weren't showing any interest in eachother that way until a few days ago. So YAY!

Will you try to get some mini Gadgets & Gidgets? Are calls good at the broody thing?
Isn't that the best? I call it "takeoff mode". Wobbles will flap and flap and stick his neck STRAIGHT OUT and he just gets this determined look on his face like he really thinks he's a tiny airplane!
Awe, I love the determined look! Wobbles the tiny airplane... Hehe. I love his BIG personality! :love
Will you try to get some mini Gadgets & Gidgets?  Are calls good at the broody thing?
We are certainly hoping for some babies! I was told that Gadget has never been given the opportunity to hatch her own eggs. They always incubated. Which is more than likely what we will end up trying to do. I say try, because I have no clue. Although I've been reading up on it. So we'll see. I have had people ask for babies if they were to have some. :)
We are certainly hoping for some babies! I was told that Gadget has never been given the opportunity to hatch her own eggs. They always incubated. Which is more than likely what we will end up trying to do. I say try, because I have no clue. Although I've been reading up on it. So we'll see. I have had people ask for babies if they were to have some.

Yay! I love to live vicariously through all the people that get to hatch.
I think I read somewhere that the hatch rate for calls is low. Have you ever heard that? I hope it isn't true!
Yay!  I love to live vicariously through all the people that get to hatch.  :fl    I think I read somewhere that the hatch rate for calls is low.  Have you ever heard that?  I hope it isn't true!
Yep, I've heard that. I believe it has to do with their tiny bill size. It's hard to reach into that air cell to pip. The smaller the bill the harder the hatch. Assistance is needed sometimes too.

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