Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Thanks everyone!!

My babies!!!

Color ideas??

Oh my gosh! @AmandaVirginia I just saw all this duck drama and had to read back. I sure hope you get more out okay. Sounds like you have terrific help!
It's never easy to incubate these little twerps, yet the mom ducks do it so well.

I sure hope you get something from those scrambled eggs @RavynFallen

I was going to post a few eggs on the auction tomorrow, but I don't know...we are such gluttons for this punishment. The rewards of little ducks....


@TJChickens I am trying my best! :fl

Might have a bator free next week, I'll PM you later if that might work for you? I'd like to try that SH option through that hub and see if that makes a difference...

Yep, we adore those little 'lings so we torture ourselves every time... :barnie
Oh my gosh! @AmandaVirginia
I just saw all this duck drama and had to read back. I sure hope you get more out okay. Sounds like you have terrific help! :yiipchick It's never easy to incubate these little twerps, yet the mom ducks do it so well.

I sure hope you get something from those scrambled eggs @RavynFallen

I was going to post a few eggs on the auction tomorrow, but I don't know...we are such gluttons for this punishment. The rewards of little ducks....

:fl :fl :fl :fl


Thanks, Cynthia! You are the best! Other than the ONE I hatched from you last July (then gave to a good friend) I was FINALLY able to hatch another one! It only took three more batches of eggs and almost a year (;

@buff goose guy I haven't! I'm only keeping one - a boy - for Winter! And, I'm already super attached to this one! So, we will see if it's a boy and if it's the one I keep! Then I will pick out the perfect name for Winter's perfect mate, all the way from Cali <3

@Amykins thanks! He or she sure is pretty precious (;
Bad news everyone, I lost the precious baby this morning ): I don't know why but it wasn't eating on it's own and hadn't pooped any. So, maybe something internal. Bless it's soul.
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Oh Amanda, I am so, so sorry...it's always devastating to lose a baby, especially after a difficult hatch. I wish I knew what to say. Sending hugs and love.

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