Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

@Amykins - all i can say is WOW that you are moving to UK. So cool your hubboose got work there. I bet you're anxious to get Wobs and Bean cleared thru Customs ASAP to get over there. This is truly a once in a lifetime experience. Please keep us updated. You certainly deserve this wonderful opportunity.
 - all i can say is WOW that you are moving to UK.  So cool your hubboose got work there.  I bet you're anxious to get Wobs and Bean cleared thru Customs ASAP to get over there.  This is truly a once in a lifetime experience.  Please keep us updated.  You certainly deserve this wonderful opportunity.  

Of course I'll keep you posted! You'll have to PM me your address so I can send your letters <3

And yeah, it is pretty nerve racking, but we've got a great pet mover service handling all the tough stuff.
When do the hens start to lay? I bought a pair in December I think he said she was 6 months old so I expected her to start laying in the spring but she has not laid one egg yet.
When do the hens start to lay? I bought a pair in December I think he said she was 6 months old so I expected her to start laying in the spring but she has not laid one egg yet.

Found an egg today

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