Daily mail article on US broilers


7 Years
Jun 13, 2014
This article is so full of lies and misleading information it's sickening. My brother runs an 8 house farm and he is under an incredible amount of rules and constraints regarding the care of his birds. It's not surprising that the comments appear to be disabled and hidden after nearly 3k comments were made.

"Unlike in the UK and Europe, there are no minimum space requirements for breeding chickens in the US. America also does not have any rules governing lighting levels in the sheds and, crucially, its farms have no maximum allowed level of ammonia, which indicates how much urine and faecal matter is present. This means there is no limit on how much can fester inside the sheds."

Factory farming isn't pretty and it doesn't smell nice either but innovations in efficiency is what feeds the masses. This is just a bunch of propaganda and fear mongering against Brexit. I read another article on this subject last week that stated our beef was full of hormones. Yet another lie.

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