I have been using the standard round waterer with the screw top mason or plastic half gallon top and circular trough below. It works fine but it tends to build up a film in the containerand continually they sat on top of it and poop would get in the water plus they would kick in the sawdust until I raised it onto a block.... I had read on BYC of some people using the guinea pig/rat water bottles with the metal tube and little ball in the tip. I was worried that they would not be able to figure it out or it would drip....
Yesterday I was at the local feed store and found a great waterer made out of glass and stainless steel made by Super Pet, cost $6.99! I'll attach a couple of pictures.
Since it was so inexpensive, I thought I'd give it a try.

I attached it to the brooder yesterday and in LESS than a minute they all had figured out how to use it and actually loved pecking at it as a novelty and really liked it. WHO SAID CHICKENS AREN'T SMART?!
Pros: able to clean the glass well, water can't get contaminated by their poo, can use to add vitamins or ACV and not have wasted.
Cons: a bit smaller than some of the larger plastic ones bottles or waterers, It holds 12 oz. When they are drinking a couple of drops do drip down but not bad at all.
So for some of you like I had been on the fence about trying one, they really do work. I think I will use this attached to my homemade chicken tractor later in the spring so it moves along with it and I can just fill it on a daily basis as I move it. Hope this helps someone.
AND YES, CHICKENS ARE TRULY SMART - figured out all on their own in just seconds!
Yesterday I was at the local feed store and found a great waterer made out of glass and stainless steel made by Super Pet, cost $6.99! I'll attach a couple of pictures.
Since it was so inexpensive, I thought I'd give it a try.
I attached it to the brooder yesterday and in LESS than a minute they all had figured out how to use it and actually loved pecking at it as a novelty and really liked it. WHO SAID CHICKENS AREN'T SMART?!
Pros: able to clean the glass well, water can't get contaminated by their poo, can use to add vitamins or ACV and not have wasted.
Cons: a bit smaller than some of the larger plastic ones bottles or waterers, It holds 12 oz. When they are drinking a couple of drops do drip down but not bad at all.
So for some of you like I had been on the fence about trying one, they really do work. I think I will use this attached to my homemade chicken tractor later in the spring so it moves along with it and I can just fill it on a daily basis as I move it. Hope this helps someone.
AND YES, CHICKENS ARE TRULY SMART - figured out all on their own in just seconds!