d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Most colors other than quail are very rare and we know someone who has more than anyone on the planet, I think.
I don't think I've ever seen an egg so tiny! Amazing that a chick can grow, maneuver and hatch from one of these. We're making the roof rafters now on their new coop, but it's slow going since we've never made a Quaker style roof before. In about five days, will be able to candle them.
especially for the porcelains, but certainly would really love them all to hatch.

I have two hens purchased at a sale and I don't know what they are. They look like d'anvers on this site except they have feathers on their legs. Have any of you seen d'anvers with feathers on their legs? If not would anyone have any idea what these birds are? maybe a silkie mix?
Mine were Silkie/Cochin roo over BR hens. Loved those three sisters, but they've all gone to that great roost in the sky. You couldn't have paid me $1000 for any one of them. No mistaking that pouf! I called mine The Poufy Head Sisters. Miss them a lot.

Check out the coop progress on the nice home we're building for these D'Anvers: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=5925809#p5925809
I hear ya, hands on is the easiest way aint it. Your's should be set in a week or so, thinking next weekend actually

Nice, Just drop me a note when those precious little babies ship. I believe I sent you my address and phone so you can call me when they get mailed if you prefer. Have you shipped to Southern NH before and if so is it typically one or two days? Can't wait!!!


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