d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Thanks very much, Bine for your information on the band sizes/types. I have not seen the Open Clip Rings.

Speckledhen, The only d'Anvers that I had in the past were not great layers, but I assumed I just had poor chickens. Dunno. My Golden Sebrights in coastal GA were lousy layers, but the Guineas were champion layers (if you could only FIND the eggs....sneaky critters, they were). Both main "GA groups" pretty much scrounged for themselves though, and they might not have gotten the best diets, even though they had an otherwise-great life.

Ragnarok100, The leg color, and comb looks looks like a d'Anver babe, but I am certainly no expert, by any means. My guess is that both your chick and SchipAlong's fav, are roosters. Again, I could be totally wrong! both combs look like "guys", rather than "gals" t'me. These adolescents can be a nightmare to sex. Please let us know the outcome.

SchipAlong,...your "lap chick photos" are adorable. You will have to keep this bird,...whether "he", or "she"....
Yeah, I think the odds of that chick being female are less than 0.01%. All my chicks (who are probably all boys) are extremely adorable, jostling at the coop door to jump into my arms. My last rooster was very sweet as a chick but turned into a tiny terror when he hit puberty, and chances are this chick will too

Tiny, tiny chance I got one girl in the batch. I was given a tip about tail flipping and decided to try it. Apparently you hold the chick facing you, make sure they're nice and calm, then gently tip them downwards. Not upside-down, but just so their head is slightly lower than their butt end. The girls are supposed to flip their tails up and fan their feathers out, while the boys usually won't do anything with their tails. Worth trying out anyway! The one that flips its tail is the only one that hasn't yet crowed. It's also much less outgoing than the other two, but more docile when held.

Here's my "girl" though, so I'm not getting my hopes too high lol. On the d'Anvers facebook page someone said not to judge these guys by their combs as occasionally a comb will outgrow a chick, then the body will catch up. Not sure if that really applies here though lol.

That being said, it almost looks like the adult hackle feathers are coming and and they look a lot like my hens' hackles. At first glance they look pointy because they have that very solid area on the inside with the wispy stuff on the outer edges, which on my quails is the part that's coloured red/cream. I could just be seeing things I want to though, and only waiting will give me a definite answer.

Maybe adding feminine accessories will help lol.

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Sorry, Ship, with that comb being so wide and big, I think you have a cockerel.

I guess my D'Anvers heard me complaining about them. Someone else began laying besides Carly and Aimee. I think it may be Mina if I can remember the egg shapes correctly from so LONNNNNG ago.
Eggs... hm... most of my d'anvers are young (between 1 and 3 years old) and from 15 hens I have 5 to 8 eggs a day. They make a big break in winter and when it get's too hot in summer, they often stop for a day or two.... summer here is normally quite cool and it's okay when they spend the handful of days over 30°C somewhere in the shade of a rose bush and not on the nest. Given that a hen is about 600g and a egg is over 30g I always thought of them as good layers for a ornamental breed.
My d'Anvers lay like crazy! They out lay my large fowl. Right now they have decided to go broody or take a break though.

Has anyone had a d'Anver chick develop a crest? I let one of my d'Anver broody hens hatch 4 eggs from my MF pair and one of the chicks has a black crest coming in at 3 weeks old.
My d'Anvers lay like crazy! They out lay my large fowl. Right now they have decided to go broody or take a break though.

Has anyone had a d'Anver chick develop a crest? I let one of my d'Anver broody hens hatch 4 eggs from my MF pair and one of the chicks has a black crest coming in at 3 weeks old.

Well, Carly stopped laying to go broody.
Aimee laid an egg this morning, but there was one other hen laying, no idea which unless it is Mina. Seems like if one goes broody, one or two more do, or at least, the others quit laying in a show of solidarity.
Where's @ Aubrey? I need to know how one of my chicks got that crest. Someone on here was working on a crested d'Anver last year? Isn't there another breed related to the d'Anver that is crested? It is awfully cute. I think it is a rooster.
It's a de Watermael. Like the boots of the d'uccle, the crest of the de watermael sometimes shows in with two "normal" d'anvers if both have one of the other breed in their lineage. This or the "milk man" maybe the reason why one of your chicks has a crest.

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