d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

The two i pulled last night are up and going. 3 milli and two porcelain. Only one Milli has clean legs (grrrrrr!) Odd but come on little roo. I also found the last egg piped and cold. Pulled a little shell off. Its alive and looks porcelain. I put it in the hatcher.
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I've got 3 chicks and two more I rescued because the crazy hens kicked out of nest after they had piped. I'm looking for a clean legged milli roo. I'm not sure where you are, but I may have extra pullets.
Silly hen! So far my only d'Anver broody who hatched eggs has been a good mom until she decided she had enough and started attacking the 3 chicks when they were 5 weeks old.

Wish you weren't so far away. I have 3 beautiful clean legged MF rooster chicks out of Aubrey's birds needing homes. Good luck finding one.
Silly hen! So far my only d'Anver broody who hatched eggs has been a good mom until she decided she had enough and started attacking the 3 chicks when they were 5 weeks old.

Wish you weren't so far away. I have 3 beautiful clean legged MF rooster chicks out of Aubrey's birds needing homes. Good luck finding one.
The problem with my hens is once one goes broody they all decide to follow. They cram into the bucket I use for a nest box. Next time I'm going to take Mama and nest to a different location before the others decide to clime in. I took the chicks as they hatched because they were staggered in hatch date. They were all doing fine last night. The last one was still in shell, but the veins weren't dried up so I left it alone. As cold as it was I was surprised it was alive at all, but who knows It may be out and running around when I get home today.
It seems to be a very male year. On a few groups I'm in everyone seems to be getting all or almost all male hatches.

My trees are also dumping a lot of leaves. My SO said they do that when it's really hot and dry to conserve energy/water.

I'm so close to being done the coop renovation. Right now the d'Anvers go outside in a temporary pen during the day, then sleep in a rubber tote in the house at night. I'm reminded again why bantams are the best choice for me as I don't know how I would handle keeping five full-sized chickens in the house lol.

Do broody's crops empty more slowly than non-broody's? Every morning my girl Zeste has had a full crop, which has been easy to move by giving her about a teaspoon of water and massaging her crop. She's showing a lot of broody signs like being a shrieking jerk to everyone, wanting to sit in the nest box, and going pancake chicken when I evict her. At first I assumed she was sick and wanting to hide, but I tried leaving her crop alone to see if it would empty and it does seem to be going down on its own just much more slowly than my other chickens'.
All my chicks made it. I pulled the last baby when I cot home. Not surprising it was stuck in the shell with all that had happened to it. "She" ;-) was up running around last night. I found a late duckling to hatch and its in there with her and the last two eggs form that nest. The silly hens are still guarding the nest box and piling in it and there are no eggs. I may slip them some and let them hatch some more since I'm sure not going to get eggs from them. This last chick looks almost completely yellow. I assume its a porcelain. So that is 3 Milil and 3 Porcelain. I have leaves falling too. Mostly from my Japanese cherry tree. It typically it looses its leaves in the hottest part of the summer and then blooms again in the fall as odd as that sounds. My phone died so no pics yet, but the replacement should arrive today so I'll do my best to share the cuties this weekend.
Not really with out years to straighten up stuff. One of my rules is quail and mottled don't work. Now with that said lavender quails are pretty but the mottled gene will haunt you for years. Meaning you will hatch a lot of mottled quail along the way.

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