Dark Brahma Roo or Hen?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 16, 2014
This baby is 10 weeks old and was the free chick that the breeder sent with my order. I have to cull several Roosters and am trying to figure out which ones to keep. If this is a Rooster, I'll definitely keep him and cull a different one instead. He is so chill.


The males and females have different coloring. Roosters are mostly black with silver laced saddle and hackle feathers. The hens are a lighter silver color with a brownish breast and a nice even pattern all over. Brahmas are very slow maturing so it's not unusual for cockerels to still have a very small pale comb at that age.
The males and females have different coloring. Roosters are mostly black with silver laced saddle and hackle feathers. The hens are a lighter silver color with a brownish breast and a nice even pattern all over. Brahmas are very slow maturing so it's not unusual for cockerels to still have a very small pale comb at that age.

Did not know that! Very interesting. In that case, I change my answer! LOL

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