dark brown egg layers

Hi there,

I know that ISA Browns lay dark brown eggs with speckles. I also know that Black Copper Marans lay dark coloured eggs. That's I'll I am aware of.

Hope this helped.

I find that my red sexlinks lay a pretty dark egg. In fact, they stay dark, while the marans egg gets lighter as they get older, even during the first yr. My experience.
I've had a lot of my mixed breeds lay pretty dark brown eggs. Also, the Wellsummer, with some speckles sprinkled in. :)
Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some great advice already so I'll just say hello!

All the best
Welcome to BYC! Lots of breeds lay eggs in varying shades of brown. A lot of fun is in the looking. My Delawares are always pretty consistent with the brown eggs. Plus I love their personality. Good luck in your search.
wow. thanks Ya'll. appreciate the participation! I have 12 and a broody Frizzle on 3 eggs so I don't need to order a large quantity of chicks! I would like more variety in egg color. I'm looking for that long shot that someone who lives near will have a few chicks that I can aquire! never hurts to ask!

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