Dasp mini digital incubator trial and review.

Still just the external pip :/ getting a little concerned.

It's so hard to wait, isn't it?

My last hatch the first pipped at 3 am or so and did not hatch until that evening. Still had a small umbilicus and yolk attached. So just think to yourself she's in there absorbing the yolk and will hatch when she is ready. Good luck!
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Sorry it took so long I just kept forgetting!
My lone BLRW sadly he sisnt showing any blue but i love him anyway.
I went to the feed store and picked up a couple of bantams its age to keep him or her complany.

Sorry it took so long I just kept forgetting!
My lone BLRW sadly he sisnt showing any blue but i love him anyway.
I went to the feed store and picked up a couple of bantams its age to keep him or her complany.
Glad you could find some birds for company. Mass has a law that you have to buy 6 chicks minimum, I guess to prevent people buing just one for an Easter chick?

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