Day 10 & I just candelled


11 Years
Apr 7, 2008
North Dakota

I am about to freak out with complete excitement. I checked all my eggs. They all look dark on one end and clearer on the other. Is that good? When I moved the egg in the light, you could see floating. Is this good?

Now what? More waiting..

One guinea egg is questionable.

waiting and waiting and waiting. OMG how do you stand this.
my eggs have brown or blueish green shells so it was hard to see veins. Most of what I could see was one end of the egg was very dark and the other end was light. on the light end i could see floating or movement. maybe veins

does this sound normal?
Shine your light from the top down on the egg, make your room very dark.....The air sac will be at the top, veining and the embryo should be floating from mid-way down the egg at day 10...

Try the search button and type in candling pics...
At what day should you see movement? I am on day 7 and saw faint movement last night. Did see veins and dark spot (eye).

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