day 11 . should any movement be seen?


11 Years
Oct 14, 2008
cuba, new york
i put 3 fertile eggs under a broody. i candled them and looked like i could see the embryo moving. was i seeing things? i am so excited
i havent seen a broody deliver on the goods in 35 years! cant wait!
I could see all my embryos moving on day 11! It was awesome. It would flutter around like a little fish! I bet you really did see something!
I saw the most movement from day 10 to day 15 because it wasn't so big that it was crammed in the shell. It is sooooo addicting to candle and watch. I have one egg that I candle like every 3 days to show my kids and it is amazing! I know your not supposed to handle them a lot but I just chose one to observe more than the others.
the 60 watt CVL that is in the hen house. made a foil cone to slide over it. crude but worked. need a brighter source. could only see 2 out of 3 eggs.
I candled yesterday (day 7 for me) and I had some movers!!!!
Not as many as I would have liked to see 22 out of 48 eggs. Some of them I couldn't really see in to well though so I am not going to throw any out yet. Good Luck. And yes candling is very addictive. I just kinda got it figured out in the past 2 days with a lot of help from all of you.


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