Day 14 and of course I am getting nervous.....


It's All About Chicken Math
12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
Today is Day 14 on my Ebay Red Cochins and mt couple of Bantam plus the Favorelles from Bantyman. I candled again last night and will one more time before I move them to the hatcher. I only have 4 of each that are questionable and those look like they may or may not be developing, the shells for some reason have been harder to see through.
I have my hatcher up and it's a still air staying steady about 101 humidity is holding at 76%
I feel the humidity is a bit high so keeping an eye on it and will tweak Sunday and Monday if necessary.

I know there are many different theorys/opinions on what hatching humidity should be, I have always tried to stay no more than 70% . So any opinions?
I prefer to start my hatch in the high 50's - low 60's simply because the humidity jumps so high once hatching starts. I have lost too many *wet* chicks and have had great results since I reduced it.
I start around 68-70 on Day 18 and I haven't had to add water ever. In the interest of trying to keep the hatcher closed I theorized that by the time they hatch it is 60 - 63 and they seem to do well. Maybe I should reconsider and let some water evaporate and start lower.
If the humidity is too high, take a paper towel and sop up the water in the trays. That will reduce the humidity really quick. I lost about 6 guineas to this last week and did not think of sopping up the dern water! Blonde moment I guess.
I followed those guidelines and lost a lot of wet chicks. I now dry incubate with humidity usually in the 30's and my hatch rate has skyrocketed, now I don't know what to do with all the *extra* chicks that are hatching
. I don't do the 65%+ just because once the hatch would start humidity would go to the 80%'s
That is what works for me, where I live

I followed those guidelines and lost a lot of wet chicks. I now dry incubate with humidity usually in the 30's and my hatch rate has skyrocketed, now I don't know what to do with all the *extra* chicks that are hatching
. I don't do the 65%+ just because once the hatch would start humidity would go to the 80%'s
That is what works for me, where I live


My humidity is very hard to get to go up. It is usually about 40% at the most, and when they are hatching, I can get it up to about 60%, but only for a few hours, a day at the most. I do pretty well with the humidity like this, out of 2 sets, I have had one egg each that didn't hatch.

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